
From wikishia

Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5
  • Opera: Press Ctrl-F5.
//Detect IE5.5+
              if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")==-1)
                  // Normal contents go here

<!-- Aus Del Sort Tab -->

<!-- Begin deletion-sorting code --> 

// From code by [[User:Raylu|raylu]]
// This script adds a "Australia Deletion" tab to the top of article pages
// when in edit mode. It is disabled for the User namespace.

function dodeletion() {
  document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value + '\n{' + '{' + 'subst' + ':' + 'delsort' + '|' + 'Australia' + '}' + '}' + ' ' + '--' + ' ' + '~' + '~' + '~' + '~';
  document.editform.wpSummary.value = 'Tagged as a Australia-related deletion.';
  document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true;

function adddeletion() {
  addTab("javascript:dodeletion()", "Australia deletion", "ca-Australiadeletion", "Australia Deletion", "");

addOnloadHook(function() {
  if (document.title.indexOf("User:") != -1 || document.title.indexOf("User talk:") != -1) {
  if (document.title.indexOf("Editing ") != -1) {

function addTab(url, name, id, title, key){
    var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    return addlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key)

function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    if(id) = id;
        if(key && title)
            ta[id] = [key, title];
        else if(key)
            ta[id] = [key, ''];
        else if(title)
            ta[id] = ['', title];
    // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
    return li;

<!--End deletion-sorting code -->

<!-- End Aus Del Sort Tab -->

// jncsp-start The section below (up to jncsp-end) is maintained by [[Wikipedia:WikiProject_User_scripts/User-script_manager]]
// jncsp-config autoafd addPurgeTab

if (location.href == "") 
   document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + 

// From [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User_scripts/Scripts/addLink]], revision 73544644

//A helper function to add a button to one of the toolbars in the interface.
//An improved(I hope) version of [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Add LI link|addlilink]].
//[[User:JesseW/sig|JesseW, the juggling janitor]] 05:33, 8 November *2005 (UTC)

function addLink(where, url, name, id, title, key, after){
    //* where is the id of the toolbar where the button should be added;
    //   i.e. one of "p-cactions", "p-personal", "p-navigation", or "p-tb".
    //* url is the URL which will be called when the button is clicked.
    //   javascript: urls can be used to do more complex things.
    //* name is what will appear as the name of the button.
    //* id is the id of the button; it's best to define one.  
    //   Use a prefix to make sure its unique. Optional.
    //* title is the tooltip title that gives a longer description 
    //   of the button; if you define a accesskey, mention it here. Optional.
    //* key is the char you want for the accesskey. Optional.
    //* after is the id of the button you want to follow this one. Optional.
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    if(id) = id;
    var tabs = document.getElementById(where).getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    if(after) {
    } else {
    if(id) {
	if(key && title) { ta[id] = [key, title]; }
	else if(key) { ta[id] = [key, '']; }
	else if(title) { ta[id] = ['', title];} 
    // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
    return li;

// From [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User_scripts/Scripts/Add_purge_to_tabs]], revision 76509603

// addPurge
addOnloadHook( function (){
    var x = document.getElementById('ca-history');
    if(!x) return;
    if(x.children) x = x.children[0].href;
    else x = x.childNodes[0].href;
    addLink("p-cactions", x.replace(/=history/, "=purge"), 'purge', 'ca-purge', 'Purge the internal cache for this page', 0);

// From [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User_scripts/Scripts/AutoAFD.js]], revision 75520536

//Auto AFD script

//Please include the two following lines
//Modified version of AutoVFD script to work with AFD
//Script Modified by User:Jtkiefer
//Further modified to work with [[WP:AFDC]] by [[User:ais523]]

// This needs to change depending on skin used.
function add_link(url, name)
  var na = document.createElement('a');
  na.setAttribute('href', url);

  var li = document.createElement('li');

  var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];

function strip_namespace(target)
  var colon = target.indexOf(':');
  if (colon != -1)
      var spaces = new Array('User', 'Wikipedia', 'Image', 'MediaWiki', 'Template', 'Help', 'Category');
      var ns = target.substring(0, colon);
      if (ns == '' || ns == 'Talk')
        return target.substring(colon + 1);
        for (var i = 0; i < spaces.length; ++i)
            if (ns == spaces[i]
                || ns == spaces[i] + '_talk')
              return target.substring(colon + 1);

  return target;

function afd()
  document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = '{{' + 'subst:afd}}\n' + document.editform.wpTextbox1.value;
  document.editform.wpSummary.value = 'afd';

  var target = document.editform.action;
  target = target.substring(target.indexOf('title=') + 6,

  var months = new Array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
  var date = new Date();
  date = date.getUTCFullYear() + '_' + months[date.getUTCMonth()] + '_' + date.getUTCDate();

  var pagename = strip_namespace(target);'/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/' + pagename + '&action=edit&fakeaction=afdsub&faketarget=' + target,
              'Afd ' + unescape(target),
              'status,toolbar,location,menubar,directories,resizeable,scrollbars');'/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Log/' + date + '&action=edit&fakeaction=afdlist&faketarget=' + pagename,
              'AfdLog ' + unescape(target),

function autoafd()
  if (document.title.indexOf('Editing ') == 0)
      var action = '';
      var target = '';
      if (
          var l ='&');
          for (var i = 0; i < l.length; ++i)
              var eq = l[i].indexOf('=');
              var name = l[i].substring(0, eq);
              if (name == 'fakeaction')
                action = l[i].substring(eq + 1);
              else if (name == 'faketarget')
                target = unescape(l[i].substring(eq + 1)).replace(/_/g, ' ');

      if (action == 'afdlist')
          document.editform.wpTextbox1.value += '{{' + 'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + target + '}}\n';
          document.editform.wpSummary.value = '[[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + target + ']]';
      else if (action == 'afdsub')
          if (document.editform.wpTextbox1.value.length > 0)
              target = document.editform.action;
              target = unescape(target.substring(target.indexOf('title=') + 6, target.lastIndexOf('&action=submit'))).replace(/_/g, ' ');
              window.alert("There's an old afd at the default location already.\n\n" +
                           'Please either move it out of the way (and update existing links to it), or file the Afd by hand in another location (such as [[' + target + ' (2)]]).');
            document.editform.wpTextbox1.value += '===[[' + target + ']]===\n' +
              '{'+'{REMOVE THIS TEMPLATE WHEN CLOSING THIS AfD|>>add cat here<<}}\n'+
              'Reason for nomination. ~~' + '~~\n*\n*\n*\n';
        add_link('javascript:afd()', 'Afd');



// jncsp-end

// Add date and time to your monobook "personal menu" list at the very top of the page.
// Created by [[User:Mathwiz2020]]

// Indicate where you would like the time to appear:
// 1 is first (before username), 2 is second (before talk link), ... 7 is last (after log out link)
insertBeforeNum = 7;

// Do NOT edit below this line unless you're experiened in javascript
insertBeforeArr = new Array("","pt-userpage","pt-mytalk","pt-preferences","pt-watchlist","pt-mycontris","pt-logout","");
insertBefore = insertBeforeArr[insertBeforeNum];

function makeTime()
  var li = document.createElement( 'li' ); = 'pt-time';

  var mySpan = document.createElement( 'span' );
  mySpan.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'date and time' ) );

  li.appendChild( mySpan );

  if ( insertBefore )
    var before = document.getElementById( insertBefore );
    before.appendChild( li, before );
  else // append to end (right) of list
    document.getElementById( 'pt-logout' ).parentNode.appendChild( li );


if      ( window.addEventListener ) window.addEventListener ( 'load', makeTime, false );
else if ( window.attachEvent      ) window.attachEvent      ( 'onload', makeTime      );

function getTime()
    var time    = new Date();
    var date    = time.getUTCDate();
    var months  = 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split(' ');
        month   = months[time.getUTCMonth()];
    var year    = time.getUTCFullYear();
    var hours   = '0' + time.getUTCHours();
        hours   = hours.substr(hours.length-2, hours.length);
    var minutes = '0' + time.getUTCMinutes();
        minutes = minutes.substr(minutes.length-2, minutes.length);
    var seconds = '0' + time.getUTCSeconds();
        seconds = seconds.substr(seconds.length-2, seconds.length);
    var curTime = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + ", " + date + " " + month + " " + year + " (UTC)";
    datePlace   = document.getElementById('pt-time').childNodes[0].childNodes[0];
                  datePlace.replaceData(0, datePlace.length, curTime);
    doTime      = window.setTimeout("getTime()", 1000);

/**** afd helper ****/
document.write('<script type="text/javascript"' +
  'src="' +

/* This is to keep track of who is using this extension: [[User:Jnothman/afd_helper/script.js]] */

//On diff pages this script replaces ''(Difference between revisions)''with
//different tools for reverting the edit and warning the user that made the edit.
//For instructions see talk page.
// Revert tools by Lorian
function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {
  // Function from
  var classElements = new Array();
  if ( node == null )
    node = document;
  if ( tag == null )
    tag = '*';
  var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);
  var elsLen = els.length;
  var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)");
  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
    if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
      classElements[j] = els[i];
  return classElements;

// _GET code from NoGray JS Library
var _GET = new Array();
var _uri = location.href;

var _temp_get_arr = _uri.substring(_uri.indexOf('?')+1, _uri.length).split("&");

var _temp_get_arr_1 = new Array();

for(_get_arr_i=0; _get_arr_i<_temp_get_arr.length; _get_arr_i++){
  _temp_get_arr_1 = _temp_get_arr[_get_arr_i].split("=");
  _GET[decodeURI(_temp_get_arr_1[0])] = decodeURI(_temp_get_arr_1[1]);

delete _uri; delete _temp_get_arr; delete _temp_get_arr_1;

function getMessage (where, user1, user2) {
  var message = prompt ('What message would you like to leave?', '');
  window.location = '' + _GET['title'] + '&action=edit&oldid=' + _GET['oldid'] + '&'+where+'=2&user1='+user1+'&user2='+user2+'&message='+message;

addOnloadHook(function (){
  if (location.href.match(/diff=/)) {
    // Get username of submitter
    var user1 = getElementsByClass('diff-otitle',null,'td'); user1 = user1[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[2].innerHTML;
    var user2 = getElementsByClass('diff-ntitle',null,'td'); user2 = user2[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[3].innerHTML;
    document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML = '(<a href="' + _GET['title'] + '&action=edit&oldid=' + _GET['oldid'] + '&revert=1&user1='+user1+'&user2='+user2+'">Revert</a> / <a href="javascript:var message = getMessage(\'revert\', \''+user1+'\', \''+user2+'\');">Message</a>) (<a href="' + _GET['title'] + '&action=edit&oldid=' + _GET['oldid'] + '&vandalism=1&user1='+user1+'&user2='+user2+'">Vandalism</a> / <a href="javascript:var message = getMessage(\'vandalism\', \''+user1+'\', \''+user2+'\');">Message</a>) (Warn: <a href="'+user2+'&action=edit&section=new&warn=1">Test</a> / <a href="'+user2+'&action=edit&section=new&warn=2">Blatant</a> / <a href="'+user2+'&action=edit&section=new&warn=3">Nonsense</a> / <a href="'+user2+'&action=edit&section=new&warn=4">Blanking</a>)';
  } else if (location.href.match(/revert=1/)) {
    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET['user2']+'|'+_GET['user2']+']] to version ' + _GET['oldid']+' by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET['user1']+'|'+_GET['user1']+']]';
  } else if (location.href.match(/revert=2/)) {
    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET['user2']+'|'+_GET['user2']+']] to version ' + _GET['oldid']+' by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET['user1']+'|'+_GET['user1']+']] ('+_GET['message']+')';
  } else if (location.href.match(/vandalism=1/)) {
    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Reverted vandalism by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET['user2']+'|'+_GET['user2']+']] to version ' + _GET['oldid']+' by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET['user1']+'|'+_GET['user1']+']]';
  } else if (location.href.match(/vandalism=2/)) {
    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Reverted vandalism by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET['user2']+'|'+_GET['user2']+']] to version ' + _GET['oldid']+' by [[Special:Contributions/'+_GET['user1']+'|'+_GET['user1']+']] ('+_GET['message']+')';
  } else if (location.href.match(/warn=1/)) {
    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Vandalism warning';
    document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = '{{sub'+'st:test}} ~~'+'~~';
  } else if (location.href.match(/warn=2/)) {
    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Vandalism warning';
    document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = '{{sub'+'st:blatantvandal}} ~~'+'~~';
  } else if (location.href.match(/warn=3/)) {
    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Vandalism warning';
    document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = '{{sub'+'st:test2}} ~~'+'~~';
  } else if (location.href.match(/warn=4/)) {
    document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = 'Vandalism warning';
    document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = '{{sub'+'st:test2a}} ~~'+'~~';

addOnloadHook(function() {
  if (wgTitle.indexOf("/") != -1 || document.title.indexOf("- History -") != -1)  //no subpages or history
  if (wgCanonicalNamespace == "User" || wgCanonicalNamespace == "User_talk") {
     var username = encodeURIComponent( wgTitle );
     addPortletLink("p-cactions", wgServer + "/wiki/Special:Contributions/" + username, "contribs", "ca-contrib", "User contributions");
     addPortletLink("p-cactions", "" + username + "&", "count", "ca-editcount", "Edit count from Interiot's Tool1");
     addPortletLink("p-cactions", "" + username + "&", "Summary", "ca-summary", "Edit Summary");

addOnloadHook(function (){
  var subpage = "/Status";
  var scheme = "/StatusTemplate";
  var subpagelink = wgServer + "/w/index.php?title=User:" + encodeURIComponent(wgUserName + subpage);
  var logout = document.getElementById( 'pt-logout' );
  //Add the links
  addPortletLink("p-personal", subpagelink + "&action=edit&newstatus=in", "In", "pt-status-in", "I'm in!", "", logout);
  addPortletLink("p-personal", subpagelink + "&action=edit&newstatus=busy", "Busy", "pt-status-busy", "I'm busy!", "", logout);
  addPortletLink("p-personal", subpagelink + "&action=edit&newstatus=out", "Out", "pt-status-out", "I'm out!", "", logout);
  if (location.href.indexOf("&action=edit&newstatus=") == -1) return; //Are we here to auto-edit the status?
  //Get new status
  var statusRegExp = /&action=edit&newstatus=(.*)/;
  var status = statusRegExp.exec(location.href)[1];
  //Modify the form
  document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = "{{User:"+wgUserName+scheme+"|"+status+"}}";
  document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = "Status: "+status;
  document.getElementById('wpMinoredit').checked = 'checked';
  //Submit it!

function getXmlHttpObject() {
  var xmlHttp;
  try {
    // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
    xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
  catch (e) {
    // Internet Explorer
    try {
      xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
    catch (e) {
      try {
        xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
      catch (e) {
        xmlHttp = false;
  return xmlHttp;

function changeTab() {
   if (watchAction == 'watch') {
      watchLink.innerHTML = 'unwatch';
      watchAction = 'unwatch';
   } else if (watchAction == 'unwatch') {
      watchLink.innerHTML = 'watch';
      watchAction = 'watch';

function setWatch(action) {
   xmlHttp = getXmlHttpObject();
   if (xmlHttp == false) return;
   xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = changeTab();'GET', '' + pageName + '&action=' + action, true);

function setWatchTab() {
   if (document.getElementById('ca-watch') || document.getElementById('ca-unwatch')) {
      if (document.getElementById('ca-watch')) {
         watchLink = document.getElementById('ca-watch').getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
         watchAction = 'watch';
      } else if (document.getElementById('ca-unwatch')) {
         watchLink = document.getElementById('ca-unwatch').getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
         watchAction = 'unwatch';
      watchUrl = watchLink.href
      pageName = watchUrl.substring(watchUrl.indexOf('title=')+6,watchUrl.indexOf('&action'));
      watchLink.href = 'javascript:setWatch(watchAction);';

<!-- Twinkle Scripts -->



<!-- schools deltab -->

<!-- Begin deletion-sorting code --> 

// From code by [[User:Raylu|raylu]]
// This script adds a "Schools Deletion" tab to the top of article pages
// when in edit mode. It is disabled for the User namespace.

function doschooldeletion() {
  document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value + '\n{' + '{' + 'subst' + ':' + 'delsort' + '|' + 'Schools' + '}' + '}' + ' ' + '--' + ' ' + '~' + '~' + '~' + '~';
  document.editform.wpSummary.value = 'Tagged as a Schools-related deletion.';
  document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true;

function addschooldeletion() {
  addTab("javascript:doschooldeletion()", "Schools deletion", "ca-Schoolsdeletion", "Schools Deletion", "");

addOnloadHook(function() {
  if (document.title.indexOf("User:") != -1 || document.title.indexOf("User talk:") != -1) {
  if (document.title.indexOf("Editing ") != -1) {

function addschoolTab(url, name, id, title, key){
    var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    return addschoollilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key)

function addschoollilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    if(id) = id;
        if(key && title)
            ta[id] = [key, title];
        else if(key)
            ta[id] = [key, ''];
        else if(title)
            ta[id] = ['', title];
    // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
    return li;

<!--End deletion-sorting code -->

<!-- Watchlist notifier -->

/* Watchlist notifier ([[User:Ais523/watchlistnotifier.js]]); displays a message every time a watched page changes. */
var wmwpajax;
// From [[WP:US]] mainpage (wpajax renamed to wmwpajax)
        download:function(bundle) {
                // mandatory: bundle.url
                // optional:  bundle.onSuccess (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
                // optional:  bundle.onFailure (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
                // optional:  bundle.otherStuff OK too, passed to onSuccess and onFailure
                var x = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest()
                : window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
                : false;
                if (x) {
                        x.onreadystatechange=function() {
                                x.readyState==4 && wmwpajax.downloadComplete(x,bundle);
                return x;
        downloadComplete:function(x,bundle) {
                x.status==200 && ( bundle.onSuccess && bundle.onSuccess(x,bundle) || true )
                || ( bundle.onFailure && bundle.onFailure(x,bundle) || alert(x.statusText+': '+bundle.url));
// Example:
// function dlComplete(xmlreq, data) {
//      alert(data.message + xmlreq.responseText);
// }
//                   onSuccess: dlComplete, message: "Here's what we got:\n\n" });
// End of [[WP:US]] quote
function wmWatchEditFound(xmlreq, data) {
  var watchrev, watchsum, watchrevold, watchpage, junk;
  if(wgPageName == "Special:Watchlist")
    document.cookie="ais523wmwatchrev="+watchrev+".; path=/";
    catch(junk) {watchrevold=0;}
        "<div class='watchlistnotify'>\""+watchpage+'" changed: "'+watchsum+'".</div>';
addOnloadHook(function() {
  /* Find the top item in the watchlist, and its edit summary. We only need one item, so
     set the limit to 1 to ease the load on the server. */
      'wldir=older&format=xml&wlprop=comment|timestamp|title', onSuccess: wmWatchEditFound});
// </nowiki></pre>
// [[Category:Wikipedia scripts]]

<!-- End watchlist notifier -->

<!-- unwatch option for watchlist -->
addOnloadHook(function () {

    // Check if we're on the watchlist
    if (!wgCanonicalSpecialPageName || wgCanonicalSpecialPageName != "Watchlist") return;
    if (!document.forms[0] || !document.forms[0].namespace) return;

    // Unwatch links go back to watchlist with "Removing requested items from watchlist..." message
    var query_prefix = "title="+encodeURIComponent(wgPageName)+"&action=submit&remove=1&id[]=";

    // ...or...
    // Unwatch links go to "Removed from watchlist" page
    //var query_prefix = "action=unwatch&title=";

    // get list of all links in content:
    var links = document.getElementById('content').getElementsByTagName('a');

    // make a static copy of the nodelist and lose the original for speed
    // while we're at it, prune the uninteresting links from the list
    var linksCopy = new Array ();
    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        if (/[?&]action=history([&#]|$)/.test(links[i].href)) linksCopy.push(links[i]);
    links = linksCopy;

    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        // create unwatch link and append it after history link
        var unwatch = document.createElement('a');
        unwatch.href = wgServer + wgScriptPath + "/index.php?" + query_prefix + encodeURIComponent(links[i].title);
        unwatch.title = "Unwatch "+links[i].title;
        links[i].parentNode.insertBefore(unwatch, links[i].nextSibling);

        // insert a delimiter between the two links
        var delim = links[i].previousSibling;
        delimText = (delim.nodeType == 3 ? delim.nodeValue : ""); // kluge to handle case where "diff" is unlinked
        delim = document.createTextNode(delimText.replace(/^.*diff/, ""));
        links[i].parentNode.insertBefore(delim, unwatch);


<!-- end unwatch -->

<!-- live edit counter -->

// [[User:Henrik/live-edit-counter]]

<!-- end live edit counter -->

<!-- tags -->

importScript('Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Add LI menu');
importStylesheet('Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Add LI menu/css');

<!-- end tags -->