List of the English Translations of Nahj al-balagha
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There are more than ten English translations for Nahj al-balagha which are as follow:
List of the Translations of Nahj al-balagha
Title | Language | Translator | Country | Published |
Nahjul Balagha, Peak of eloquence (sermons, letters, and sayings of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib) | English | Sayed Ali Reza ; includes introductory note by Syed Mohamed Askari Jafery | United States | Elmhurst, N.Y. : Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, 1986 |
Nahj al-balagha: Path of Eloquence | English | Yasin T. al-Jibouri | United States | Bloomington, Indiana, AuthorHouse 2013/2/26 |
Translation of Nahj al-balagha | English | Sayyid Ali Reza | Iran | Qom, Markaz Bar-rasi-hayi Islami |
Translation of Nahj al-balagha | English | Sayyid Husayn Muhammad Ja'fari Pakistani | Pakistan | Karachi: Associated Printers, 1961; Khorasan Islamic Center, 1971 |
Translation of Nahj al-balagha | English | Seyed Ansar Hussein Rizvi and others | India | Lucknow, 1970; Hyderabad, 1976 |
English translation of Nahj ul balagha of Ali ibn Abu Talib (a) | English | Muhammad Ali al-Haj Salmin | India | Mumbai |
Nahjul balagha: sermons, letters, and sayings of Hazrath Ali (a) | English | Sayyid Muhammad 'Askari Ja'fari | India | Mumbai |
Translation of Nahj al-balagha | English | Tahira Saffar Zada | Iran | |
Translation of Nahj al-balagha | English | Mirza Ja'far b. Ahamd b. Najaf Quli Tabrizi Tasuji Najafi | India | |
Translation of Nahj al-balagha | English | Imtiyaz 'Alikhan 'Arshi Hindi | India | |
Translation of Nahj al-balagha | English | Mufti Ja'far Husayn | Pakistan & Iran | Karachi; Qom: Markaz i Barrisihay i Islami, 1398 Sh |
The Style of Eloquence (The written and spoken words of Imam Ali (a), successor of the Prophet Muhammad (s)) | English | Alaeddin Pazargadi, edited by: Bahrami M.A. | Iran | Tehran: Rahnama Press, 2001 |
Translation of Nahj al-balagha | English | Sayyid Akhtar Ahmad |
Further Readings
- The material for this title is mainly taken from فهرست ترجمههای نهج البلاغه in Farsi Wikishia.
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