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List of Works by Sayyid Murtada Sharif Askari

From wikishia

Sayyid Murtada Sharif Askari believed in the unity of Islamic Umma and the proximity among different branches of Islam, therefore, he on the basis of this belief wrote many valuable books. He held view that if the Shiite become free from historical accusations then his words would be accepted.

He wrote more than 50 works, in the direction of expanding the Ja'fari Shiite is among his scientific activities. some of the are as follows:

  • 'Abd Allah b. Saba' wa asatir ukhra (lit. 'Abd Allah b. Saba' and some other myths, 2 Vols.);
  • Khamsun wa mi'a sahabi mukhtalaq (One hundred and fifty feigned sahaba, 3 Vols.);
  • Ma'alim al-madrasatayn (knowledge of the two schools, 3 Vols.);
  • Saqifa (a historical review of how to form caliphate after the demise of the Holy Prophet (s));
  • Aya-yi Tathir dar kutub-i du maktab (al-Tathir verse in the books of the two schools);
  • Imaman-i in Ummat 12 nafarand (Imams of this Umma are twelve persons);
  • Mushaf dar riwayat wa akhbar (Mushaf in hadith and narrations);
  • Al-Quran al-Karim wa riwayat al-madrasatayn (Al-Quran al-Karim and hadiths of the two schools);
  • Al-buka' 'ala l-Mayyit (Crying for the deceased);
  • Al-tawassul bi-l-Nabi wa al-tabarruk bi-atharih (Tawassul to the Prophet and tabarruk to his relics);
  • Al-bina' ala qubur al-anbiya' wa al-awsyia' wa ittikhaziha masajid wa amakin li-l-'ibada (Building on the graves of the prophets and the guardians and taking them as mosques and places for worship);
  • Shi'ayan-i Ahl-i Bayt;
  • Buzurgdasht-i yad-i anbia' wa bandigan-i salih-i Khuda;
  • Idalat-i Sahaba;
  • Salawat bar Muhammad wa al-i Muhammad az sunnatha-yi Rasul Allah buda ast;
  • Adyan-i asimani wa mas'ala-yi tahrif;
  • 'Aqa'id al-Islam min al-Quran al-Karim (3 Vols.);
  • Al-Usturat al-Saba'iyya (3 Vols.);
  • Qiyam al-A'imma bi-ihya' al-sunna;
  • Ma'a Abi l-Futuh al-Talidi fi kitabih 'al-anwar al-bahira';
  • Naghsh-i A'imma dar 'ihya'-i din (16 vols.);
  • imamat wa mahdawiyyat dar maktab-i khulafa;
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