wikishia:Reporting JavaScript errors

From wikishia

When you experience an error with gadgets or user scripts and you want to report the issue at the appropriate page, please include the following information:

  1. What is the behaviour you're seeing?
  2. What is the behaviour you're expecting to see?
  3. How can the incorrect behaviour be reproduced? Describe exactly what you're doing and seeing.
  4. Confirm that you have tried bypassing your browser cache.
  5. Make note of your browser, browser version, operating system, and operating system version.
  6. Append relevant JavaScript errors your browser logged. To do that, open your JavaScript console or error console, and copy the relevant error messages. Where you find your JavaScript console depends on your browser:
    • Internet Explorer/Edge: Press F12; refresh the Wikipedia page; JavaScript errors appear on the "Console" tab of the F12 tools.
    • Firefox: Press F12 or for OSX, use ⌥ Option+⌘ Command+I; JavaScript errors appear on the "Console" tab of the F12 tools. Make sure "Net", "JS", "Security" and "Logging" are turned on (blue).
    • Opera: Page menu → Developer Tools → Error Console.
    • Chrome: Page menu → Tools → JavaScript Console (Ctrl+⇧ Shift+J). For OSX, use ⌥ Option+⌘ Command+I then hit esc (escape) to open the JavaScript console. Errors will appear in red.
    • Safari: Develop menu → Show Error Console (Ctrl+Alt+C or Alt+⌘ Cmd+C). You might have to enable the Develop menu first in Preferences → Advanced. For OSX, use ⌥ Option+⌘ Command+I then hit esc (escape) to open the JavaScript console. Errors will appear in red.

You are urged to have a look at for hints on how to report bugs effectively, to make sure the issue you are describing can be resolved as promptly as possible.