Al-Ash'aris (disambiguation)
(Redirected from Ash'ariyyun)
Al-Ash'ari (plural: Asha'ira and Ash'ariyyun) is a title for two groups of people:
- Sa'd b. 'Abd Allah al-Ash'ari al-Qummi a Shi'a muhaddith in the 3rd/9th century and the author of the book al-Maqalat wa l-firaq
- Al-Ash'ari Family a tribe from Yemen who were living in Kufa, later they were forced to migrate from Kufa to Iran and they chose to live in Qom.
- Abu l-Hasan al-Ash'ari (d. 324/935-6) a theologian and the founder of an Islamic school of thought, Ash'arism.
- Ash'arism a theological school of Sunni Islam that is based on the theological ideas of Abu l-Hasan al-Ash'ari.
- Disciples and scholars of Ash'arism theological school. (see: List of Prominent Figures of al-Ash'ari Family)
- Members of al-Ash'ari Family, one of the important Shi'a families. (see: List of Prominent Ash'arite Scholars)