Ha'iri Yazdi (disambiguation)
Ha'iri Yazdi may refer to the following figures:
- 'Abd al-Karim Ha'iri Yazdi (d. 1355/1937) was a Shi'a marja' and founded the Islamic seminary of Qom, which he supervised from 1340/1922 until the end of his life.
- Murtada Ha'iri Yazdi (d. 1406/1986) was an Imami scholar and jurist. Born in Arak, his father was Shaykh 'Abd al-Karim Ha'iri.
- Ali b. Zayn al-'Abidin al-Yazdi al-Ha'iri (d. 1914) one of the Shi'a scholars in fourteen/twentieth century.
- Mahdi Ha'iri Yazdi (d. 1999) a Shia philosopher, jurist, and professor of philosophy, theology, and jurisprudence in Iran, America, and England. He founded the Islamic Association of Canadian and American Students.