Jaza'iri (disambiguation)
Jaza'iri may refer to:
- Al-Sayyid Ni'mat Allah al-Jaza'iri, (b. 1050/1640-41 d. 1112/1701), known as al-Muḥaddith al-Jazāʾirī was a Shiite scholar and the head of the well-known household of Jaza'iri whose lineage goes back to Imam al-Kazim (a).
- Sayyid Nur al-Din al-Jaza'iri, an Imami muhaddith in 12th/18th century and elder son of Ni'mat Allah al-Jaza'iri.
- Sayyid Abd Allah al-Jaza'iri, an Imami jurist, muhaddith, astronomer and historian of 12th/18th century.