Jumada II 8

Jumada I
Jumada II 1446

- 1328 AH - Birth of Muhammad Taqi Buhlul, an active cleric in the Event of Goharshad Mosque. (June 17, 1910)
- 1377 AH - Demise of al-Sayyid 'Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-'Amili, a Shi'a mujtahid and the author of al-Muraja'at and al-Nass wa l-ijtihad. (December 31, 1957)
- 1398 AH - Demise of Mirza Muhammad Gharawi Tabrizi, a Shi'a jurist, writer, and one of the professors of Tabriz Seminary. (May 16, 1978)
- 1432 AH - The re-funeral of the body of Sayyid Muhammad Kazim Qazwini, a jurist, preacher, and writer of the 14th/20th century in Karbala after seventeen years, and the reburial in the Shirazi family's burial site. (May 12, 2011)
- 1434 AH - Demise of Ghulam Riza Ridwani, a member of The Guardian Council and The Assembly of Experts. (April 19, 2013)