Jumada I 21

Rabi' II
Jumada I 1446
Jumada II

- 957 AH - Completion of writing the second volume of Sharh al-lum'a. (June 7, 1550)
- 1010 AH - Completion of writing the first volume of Nihayat al-taqrib fi sharh tahdhib al-wusul ila 'ilm al-usul by 'Abd al-Nabi al-Jaza'iri in Karbala. (November 17, 1601)
- 1406 AH - Demise of Sayyid Majd al-din al-Qadi (February 1, 1986)
- 1444 AH - Demise of Sayyid Muhammad Sadiq Rawhani, a Shi'a authority in Qom. (December 15, 2022)