Rabi' I 14
- The 14th of Rabi' I is the 73rd day of the year in the conventional Lunar Hijri Calendar.

Rabi' I 1446
Rabi' II

- 3 AH - Murder of Ka'b b. Ashraf, one of the rich Jews who oppose Islam and the Messenger of God (s). (624 CE)
- 64 AH - Death of Yazid b. Mu'awiya, the second Umayyad ruler and the main cause of the Karbala incident (683 CE)
- 731 AH - Birth of Shah Ni'matullah Wali, the poet, mystic, and founder of the Ni'matullahi dynasty in Sufism (1331 CE)
- 1366 AH - Demise of Sayyid Husayn Tabataba'i Qomi, Marja' and one of the clerics who fought against Reza Khan's anti-religious policies. (1947 CE)
- 1391 AH - Demise of Muhammad Kuhistani Bihshahri, one of the Shia jurists, mystic and master in Seminary (1971 CE)