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== Martyrdom ==
== Martyrdom ==
On the morning of [[Ramadan 19]], [[40]]/[[January 26]], [[661 CE|661]], (during the days in which 'Ali (a) was mobilizing an army for Siffin), he was struck with a sword by [[Abd al-Rahman b. Muljam al-Muradi]] and martyred from its injury two days later. After the [[Battle of Nahrawan]], 'Ali (a) tried again to mobilize the Iraqis for a battle against Mu'awiya. However, none except a few accompanied him. On the other hand, [[Mu'awiya]], who was aware of the situation in Iraq and their passivity, invaded regions under 'Ali's control (a) and attempted to debilitate his power by invading Iraq.<ref>Ja'fariyan, ''Guzida-yi hayat-i siyasi wa fikri-yi Imaman-i Shi'a'', p. 53-54</ref>
On the morning of [[Ramadan 19]], [[40]]/[[January 26]], [[661 CE|661]], (during the days in which 'Ali (a) was mobilizing an army for Siffin), he was struck with a sword by [[Abd al-Rahman b. Muljam al-Muradi]] and martyred from its injury two days later.<ref>Mufīd, ''al-Irshād'', vol. 1, p. 9.</ref> After the [[Battle of Nahrawan]], 'Ali (a) tried again to mobilize the Iraqis for a battle against Mu'awiya. However, none except a few accompanied him. On the other hand, [[Mu'awiya]], who was aware of the situation in Iraq and their passivity, invaded regions under 'Ali's control (a) and attempted to debilitate his power by invading Iraq.<ref>Jaʿfarīyān, ''Guzida-yi ḥayāt-i sīyāsī wa fikrī-yi Imāmān-i Shīʿa'', p. 53-54.</ref>

Historical accounts have reported the collaboration of three [[Kharijites]] in an attempt to kill three individuals: 'Ali (a), [[Mu'awiya]], and [['Amr b. al-'As]]. Ibn Muljam was the one who chose to kill Ali (a). Some accounts have also mentioned the role of a woman named [[Qatam]] in this assassination, however, this seems to be more of an embellishment as opposed to fact.<ref>Ja'fariyan, ''Guzida-yi hayat-i siyasi wa fikri-yi Imaman-i Shi'a'', p. 55</ref>
Historical accounts have reported the collaboration of three [[Kharijites]] in an attempt to kill three individuals: 'Ali (a), [[Mu'awiya]], and [['Amr b. al-'As]]. Ibn Muljam was the one who chose to kill Ali (a). Some accounts have also mentioned the role of a woman named [[Qatam]] in this assassination, however, this seems to be more of an embellishment as opposed to fact.<ref>Jaʿfarīyān, ''Guzida-yi ḥayāt-i sīyāsī wa fikrī-yi Imāmān-i Shīʿa'', p. 55.</ref>

[[Al-Hasan (a)]], [[al-Husayn (a)]], and [[Muhammad b. al-Hanfiyya]], accompanied by [['Abd Allah b. Ja'far]] buried him in Ghariyyayn (present day [[Najaf]]) and hid his grave.<ref>Mufīd, ''al-Irshād'', vol. 1, p. 27-28</ref> This was because if the [[Banu Umayya]] or the Kharijites knew about his burial place, they would exhume his body and treat it with disrespect.<ref>Sayyid b. Tawus, ''Farhat al-ghari'', p. 93; Majlisi, ''Bihar al-anwar'', vol. 42, p. 222</ref>
[[Al-Hasan (a)]], [[al-Husayn (a)]], and [[Muhammad b. al-Hanfiyya]], accompanied by [['Abd Allah b. Ja'far]] buried him in Ghariyyayn (present day [[Najaf]]) and hid his grave.<ref>Mufīd, ''al-Irshād'', vol. 1, p. 27-28</ref> This was because if the [[Banu Umayya]] or the Kharijites knew about his burial place, they would exhume his body and treat it with disrespect.<ref>Sayyid b. Tawus, ''Farhat al-ghari'', p. 93; Majlisi, ''Bihar al-anwar'', vol. 42, p. 222</ref>
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=== Will and Advice ===
=== Will and Advice ===
There are a few hadiths narrated from 'Ali (a) that contain his advice to his children with regards to his funeral rites: the way of his [[burial]], [[Ghusl of the Dead|ablution]], [[Shroud]] and the performing of [[funeral prayer|prayers]] over his body.<ref>Majlisi, ''Bihar al-anwar'', vol. 36, p. 5</ref> He also asked al-Hasan (a) and al-Husayn (a) to refrain from mutilating Ibn Muljam and to strike him only once. Imam Ali (a), moreover, emphasized in his final words on paying attention to the Quran, prayer, commanding good and forbidding evil, jihad, and visiting the House of God, as well as fearing God, being organized, reconciliation, and caring for the orphans and neighbors.  
There are a few hadiths narrated from 'Ali (a) that contain his advice to his children with regards to his funeral rites: the way of his [[burial]], [[Ghusl of the Dead|ablution]], [[Shroud]] and the performing of [[funeral prayer|prayers]] over his body.<ref>Majlisi, ''Bihar al-anwar'', vol. 36, p. 5.</ref> He also asked al-Hasan (a) and al-Husayn (a) to refrain from mutilating Ibn Muljam and to strike him only once. Imam Ali (a), moreover, emphasized in his final words on paying attention to the Quran, prayer, commanding good and forbidding evil, jihad, and visiting the House of God, as well as fearing God, being organized, reconciliation, and caring for the orphans and neighbors.<ref>‘’Nahj al-balagha’’, sermon 47.</ref>  
When he was wounded by [[Ibn Muljam]], 'Ali (a) advised his sons, [[al-Hasan]] and [[al-Husayn]]:
:"I advise you (both) to fear Allah and not to pursue the (pleasures of this) world even though they may run after you. Do not be sad over anything of this world that you have been denied. Speak the truth and act (in expectation) for reward [from God]. Be an enemy of the oppressor and a helper of the oppressed.
:I advise you (both), all my children, all members of my family, and everyone that my writing may reach: to fear Allah, to keep your affairs in order, and to maintain good relations amongst yourselves- for I have heard your grand-father [the noble [[Prophet (s)]]] saying, "Solving disagreements is better than years of praying and fasting."
:(Fear) Allah (and) keep Allah in mind with regards to orphans. Do not allow them to starve and they should not be harmed in your presence.
:(Fear) Allah (and) keep Allah in mind with regards to your neighbours, because they were a subject of the Prophet's advice. He would advise extensively in their favour such that we thought he would allow them a share in inheritance.
:(Fear) Allah (and) keep Allah in mind with regards to the [[Qur'an]]. No one should surpass you when acting in accordance to it.
:(Fear) Allah (and) keep Allah in mind with regards to prayer, because it is the pillar of your religion.
:(Fear) Allah (and) keep Allah in mind with regards to your Lord's House (the [[Ka'ba]]). Do not forsake it as long as you live, because if it is abandoned, you will not be spared.
:(Fear) Allah (and) keep Allah in mind with regards to the [[Jihad]] by helping with your property, lives and tongues in the way of Allah.
:You should have respect for kinship and spend for others. Don't turn away from one another and don't sever relationships. Do not cease [[enjoining the good and forbidding the evil]], lest the mischievous dominate you. And then [after this], if you will pray, yor prayers will not be granted.
Then he said: O' sons of [['Abd al-Muttalib]], certainly I do not wish to see you plunging harshly into the blood of Muslims shouting "'Amir al-Mu'minin has been killed!". Beware, do not kill anyone because of me except for my killer. Wait until I have died by his (Ibn Muljam's) strike. Then, strike him once for his strike on me, and do not dismember his limbs, for I have heard the [[Messenger of Allah (s)]] saying, "Avoid cutting limbs even if it is a rabid dog."<ref>''Nahj al-balagha'', Letter 47</ref>

===Burial Place===
===Burial Place===
{{main|Holy Shrine of Imam 'Ali (a)}}
{{main|Holy Shrine of Imam 'Ali (a)}}
Imam Ali (a) was martyred in [[40]]/[[661 CE|661]] and was buried secretly at his request. The Imam's (a) grave remained hidden for about one century. With the decline of the Umayyad dynasty, the hiddenness of the Imam's grave was no longer necessary. It is not known for sure when exactly the burial place of the Imam (a) was made known to the people. The meeting between [[Imam al-Sadiq (a)]] and [[al-Saffah]], the first Abbasid caliph (r. 131/748 – 136/753) in Kufa during the reign of the latter is suggested by some scholars as the time when the burial place of Imam Ali (a) was disclosed by Imam al-Sadiq (a). However, other scholars maintain that Imam al-Sadiq (a) revealed the burial place of his forefather during the reign of [[al-Mansur]], the second Abbasid caliph (r. 136/753 – 158/775). Despite this difference, all agree that it was Imam al-Sadiq (a) who made known the burial place of Imam Ali (a).  
Imam Ali (a) was martyred in [[40]]/[[661 CE|661]] and was buried secretly at his request.<ref>Thaqafī al-Kūfī, ‘’al-Ghārāt’’, vol. 2, p. 835-837.</ref> The Imam's (a) grave remained hidden for about one century. With the decline of the Umayyad dynasty, the hiddenness of the Imam's grave was no longer necessary.<ref>Ḥakīm, ‘’al-Mufaṣṣal fī tārīkh al-Najaf’’, vol. 2, p. 29.</ref> It is not known for sure when exactly the burial place of the Imam (a) was made known to the people.<ref>Ḥakīm, ‘’al-Mufaṣṣal fī tārīkh al-Najaf’’, vol. 2, p. 29.</ref> The meeting between [[Imam al-Sadiq (a)]] and [[al-Saffah]], the first Abbasid caliph (r. 131/748 – 136/753) in Kufa during the reign of the latter is suggested by some scholars as the time when the burial place of Imam Ali (a) was disclosed by Imam al-Sadiq (a).<ref>Ḥakīm, ‘’al-Mufaṣṣal fī tārīkh al-Najaf’’, vol. 2, p. 29.</ref> However, other scholars maintain that Imam al-Sadiq (a) revealed the burial place of his forefather during the reign of [[al-Mansur]], the second Abbasid caliph (r. 136/753 – 158/775).<ref>Ḥakīm, ‘’al-Mufaṣṣal fī tārīkh al-Najaf’’, vol. 2, p. 30.</ref> Despite this difference, all agree that it was Imam al-Sadiq (a) who made known the burial place of Imam Ali (a).<ref>Ḥakīm, ‘’al-Mufaṣṣal fī tārīkh al-Najaf’’, vol. 2, p. 31.</ref>
