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The leaders of Quraysh were irritated with the influence and astonishing expansion of Muslims and they tried to find a solution. When [[Hamza b. 'Abd al-Muttalib]] converted to Islam and young members of Quraysh showed tendencies toward Islam, besides considering the freedom of Muslims in [[Abyssinia]], Quraysh leaders were stunned as their plans failed to succeed. Therefore, they decided to declare an economic and social boycott against Banu Hashim in order to stop increasing influence and expansion of Islam.<ref>Ibn Saʿd, ''al-Ṭabaqāt al-kubrā'', vol. 1, p. 163.</ref>
The leaders of Quraysh were irritated with the influence and astonishing expansion of Muslims and they tried to find a solution. When [[Hamza b. 'Abd al-Muttalib]] converted to Islam and young members of Quraysh showed tendencies toward Islam, besides considering the freedom of Muslims in [[Abyssinia]], Quraysh leaders were stunned as their plans failed to succeed. Therefore, they decided to declare an economic and social boycott against Banu Hashim in order to stop increasing influence and expansion of Islam.<ref>Ibn Saʿd, ''al-Ṭabaqāt al-kubrā'', vol. 1, p. 163.</ref>

===Treaty of Polytheists===
==Treaty of Polytheists==
The Polytheist held a meeting in [[Dar al-Nadwa]] and they drew up a treaty written by Mansur b. 'Ikrima and signed by the supreme members of Quraysh council which was hanged inside [[Ka'ba]]. They took an oath that Quraysh clans would follow its principles until their last breath. Its principles were:
The Polytheist held a meeting in [[Dar al-Nadwa]] and they drew up a treaty written by Mansur b. 'Ikrima and signed by the supreme members of Quraysh council which was hanged inside [[Ka'ba]]. They took an oath that Quraysh clans would follow its principles until their last breath. Its principles were:

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In the time of official ceremonies, Muslims were allowed to leave Shi'b temporarily in order to buy something, promote, or invite others to Islam.<ref>Ṭabrisī, ''Iʿlām al-warā'', p. 72.</ref> [[Prophet Muhammad (s)]] invited people in the time of [[hajj]] in the first year of the boycott which aggravated the polytheists. They came to [[Abu Talib]] and asked him to surrender Prophet Muhammad (s) as they wanted to kill him. Abu Talib reacted strongly and disappointed them.<ref>Ṭabrisī, ''Iʿlām al-warā'', p. 72-73.</ref> Because he was afraid that they would come to kill the Prophet (s) in his sleep, he slept next to Prophet (s) and told one of his children to sleep on the other side of Prophet (s).
In the time of official ceremonies, Muslims were allowed to leave Shi'b temporarily in order to buy something, promote, or invite others to Islam.<ref>Ṭabrisī, ''Iʿlām al-warā'', p. 72.</ref> [[Prophet Muhammad (s)]] invited people in the time of [[hajj]] in the first year of the boycott which aggravated the polytheists. They came to [[Abu Talib]] and asked him to surrender Prophet Muhammad (s) as they wanted to kill him. Abu Talib reacted strongly and disappointed them.<ref>Ṭabrisī, ''Iʿlām al-warā'', p. 72-73.</ref> Because he was afraid that they would come to kill the Prophet (s) in his sleep, he slept next to Prophet (s) and told one of his children to sleep on the other side of Prophet (s).

===Harsh Situation of Banu Hashim===
==Harsh Situation of Banu Hashim==
The boycott lasted for three years and children of Banu Hashim were suffering from the difficulties.<ref>Qāʾidān, ''Tārīkh wa āthār-i Islāmī-yi Makka wa Madina'', p. 114.</ref> Polytheists of Mecca noticed that their children's suffering but they didn't sympathize with them.
The boycott lasted for three years and children of Banu Hashim were suffering from the difficulties.<ref>Qāʾidān, ''Tārīkh wa āthār-i Islāmī-yi Makka wa Madina'', p. 114.</ref> Polytheists of Mecca noticed that their children's suffering but they didn't sympathize with them.

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[[Prophet Muhammad (s)]], his supporters, [[Khadija (a)]], and [[Abu Talib]] lived in harsh situations for three years and they used up the possessions of Khadija (s). Sometimes close relatives of Banu Hashim secretly gave Muslims food, despite the principles of the treaty. The endurance of Prophet Muhammad (s) and his supporters irritated Quraysh leaders. Most of them had a daughter, son, grandchildren, or close relatives living in Shi'b, and they were looking for an excuse to end the treaty and set Muslims free.
[[Prophet Muhammad (s)]], his supporters, [[Khadija (a)]], and [[Abu Talib]] lived in harsh situations for three years and they used up the possessions of Khadija (s). Sometimes close relatives of Banu Hashim secretly gave Muslims food, despite the principles of the treaty. The endurance of Prophet Muhammad (s) and his supporters irritated Quraysh leaders. Most of them had a daughter, son, grandchildren, or close relatives living in Shi'b, and they were looking for an excuse to end the treaty and set Muslims free.

===End of Boycott===
==End of Boycott==
In the 10th year after [[Bi'tha]]/619-20, a night when [[Abu Jahl]] stopped Hakim b. Hizam from sending wheat to [[Khadija]]. Others interfered and criticized Abu Jahl for the severity of his actions. Gradually groups of Quraysh members felt guilty and started to support Banu Hashim, they said that Banu Makhzum (the rival of Quraysh) where enjoying easy life while Banu Hashim was living in harsh situations. Finally, the treaty ended and some decided to tear up the treaty. [[Ibn Hisham]] narrated from [[Ibn Ishaq]] that when they went to see the treaty in [[Ka'ba]], they noticed that it was miraculously eaten by termites except for the phrase "Bismik Allahumma" (In your name O Allah).<ref>Shahīdī, ''Tārīkh-i taḥlīlī-yi Islām'', p. 53.</ref>
In the 10th year after [[Bi'tha]]/619-20, a night when [[Abu Jahl]] stopped Hakim b. Hizam from sending wheat to [[Khadija]]. Others interfered and criticized Abu Jahl for the severity of his actions. Gradually groups of Quraysh members felt guilty and started to support Banu Hashim, they said that Banu Makhzum (the rival of Quraysh) where enjoying easy life while Banu Hashim was living in harsh situations. Finally, the treaty ended and some decided to tear up the treaty. [[Ibn Hisham]] narrated from [[Ibn Ishaq]] that when they went to see the treaty in [[Ka'ba]], they noticed that it was miraculously eaten by termites except for the phrase "Bismik Allahumma" (In your name O Allah).<ref>Shahīdī, ''Tārīkh-i taḥlīlī-yi Islām'', p. 53.</ref>

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