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'''Abu Jaʿfar, Muḥammad b. Yaʿqub b. Isḥāq al-Kulayni Al-Rāzī''' (Arabic: {{ia|ابوجعفر، محمّد بن یعقوب بن اسحاق الرازی}}) (c. [[255]]/869 - [[328]]/940) is one of the most prominent [[Twelver Shia|Twelver Shiite]] compilers of [[hadith]].
'''Abu Jaʿfar, Muḥammad b. Yaʿqub b. Isḥāq al-Kulayni Al-Rāzī''' (Arabic: {{ia|ابوجعفر، محمّد بن یعقوب بن اسحاق الرازی}}) (c. [[255]]/869 - [[328]]/940) was among the greatest [[Shi'a]] [[hadith]] scholars and the author of ''[[al-Kafi]]'', the most authentic Shi'a [[hadith collection]] and one the [[Four Books]]. He was born after the martyrdom of [[Imam al-'Askari (a)]], at the time of [[Imam al-Mahdi (a)]] and met some hadith transmitters who directly had heard hadiths from Imam al-Hadi (a) and Imam al-'Askari (a). It is said that al-Kulayni was very accurate in transmitting hadiths. [[Ibn Qulawayh], Muhammad b. Ali Majilawayh al-Qummi, Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zurari were among his pupils.

== Life ==
==Kulayni Family==
Many of the members of al-Kulayni family and relatives were among religious scholars. His father Ya'qub b. Ishaq was among the scholars of his time and lived during the age of [[Minor Occultation]]. Abu l-Hasan Ali b. Muhammad known as 'Alan al-Razi was al-Kulayni's uncle and Muhammad b. 'Aqil al-Kulayni, Ahmad b. Muhammad and Muhammad b. Ahmad were all relatives of al-Kulayni and among great Shi'a scholars.

Al-Kulayni is one of the major Twelver Shiite compilers of hadith, whose major work,  ''[[al-Kafi]]'', is one of the [[Four Books]] that constitute the main body of hadith for Twelver Shiʿism. Kulayni was born in a village named Kulayn or Kulin, near [[Rey]] in Iran. He lived in the [[Minor Occultation]] period and is said to have benefited from the living representatives of the [[Twelfth Imam (a)]]. For this reason he has a highly exalted status among the scholars of successive generations.
==Time and Place of His Birth ==
Kulayni received his early religious education in his native town, then went to Rey for further education, where he attended the lectures of famous contemporary scholars, and received all his formal education. Within a short time, he acquired fame as an eminent scholar and received students from far and near.
Despite some ambiguities about exact time and place of the birth of al-Kulayni, many biographers have considered it certain that he was born in [[Kulayn]] village of [[Rey]]. About the time of his birth, some historical evidences show that he before or shortly after the birth of [[Imam al-Mahdi (a)]], around [[255]]/869, was born and lived in the age of [[Minor Occultation]]. [[Bahr al-'Ulum]] considered it possible that al-Kulayni lived toward the end of the life of [[Imam al-Hasan al-'Askari (a)]]. [[Ayatullah]] [[Khoei]] believed that his birth was after the [[martyrdom]] of Imam al-'Askari (a).
He also traveled to [[Baghdad]] to collect more hadiths and lived there for twenty years till he died in 329/941. There, he was engaged in learning, teaching, and pursuing scholarly work.

== Works ==
==His Names and Titles ==
References of [[rijal]] and biography have mentioned al-Kulayni with titles such as Abu Ja'far, Muhammad b. Ya'qub, Ibn Ishaq, Thiqat al-Islam, al-Razi, Silsili and al-Baghdadi. He was the first Islamic scholar who was called "[[Thiqat al-Islam]]". Due to his God-wariness, knowledge and merits, people referred to him for solving their religious questions and receiving rulings. He was called as Silsili because he lived in Darb al-Silsila at Bab Kufa of [[Baghdad]].
==Learning Hadiths and Moving to Qom ==
Beside continuing his education and studies and learning about the thoughts of other religions in [[Rey]], which was the center for the meeting of [[Islam'ili]], [[Hanafi]], [[Shafi'i]] and [[Imami]] ideas and thoughts, al-Kulayni decided to compile [[hadiths]]. He learned hadith studies under Abu l-Hasan Muhamamd b. Asadi al-Kufi who lived in Rey. He then moved to [[Qom]] to perfect his hadith studies. He met hadith scholars who had heard hadiths directly from [[Imam al-Hadi (a)]] and [[Imam al-'Askari (a)]] and benefitted from great teachers.
==Going to Baghdad ==
According to historical evidences, al-Kulayni went to [[Baghdad]] which was among the great scientific centers after he finished writing ''[[al-Kafi]]'' in 327/939, two years before he passed away. An evidence for the fact that ''al-Kafi'' had finished before he went to Baghdad is that even though he lived at the time of the [[Four Deputies]] of [[Imam al-Mahdi (a)]], he did not narrate any hadith directly from them.
==His Personality and Scientific Position ==
In the books of biography and history, all his advocates and critics mentioned his merits and glory. With regards to his fame, [[Shi'a]] and [[Sunni]] scholars referred to his rulings in [[fiqh]] and titled him as [[Thiqat al-Islam]].
===In the View of Great Shia Personalities===
* About him, [[al-Shaykh al-Tusi]] wrote in his book of rijal, "Muhammad b. Ya'qub al-Kulayni with the [[kunya]] of Abu Ja'far A'ur, was a great scholar especially in [[hadith]]. He has some written works mentioned in ''al-Kafi''."
Elsewhere, he mentioned al-Kulayni as thiqa and knowledgeable in narrations.
* [[Al-Najashi]], the Shi'a scholar in rijal said, "In his time, he [al-Kulayni] was the leader of Shia in Rey and the most reliable among them in hadiths and recording them. He compiled his great book named ''[[al-Kafi]]'' in 20 years."
* [[Sayyid b. Tawus]] mentioned that his authenticity and trustworthiness was approved by all.
* Other Shia scholars such as [[Ibn Shahr Ashub]], [['Allama al-Hilli]], [[Ibn Dawud al-Hilli]], [[Mustafa b. Husayn al-Tafrishi|al-Tafrishi]], [[Muhammad b. Ali al-Ardabili|al-Ardabili]] and [[Sayyid Abu al-Qasim al-Khoei]] have also approved al-Shaykh al-Tusi and al-Najashi's statements.
===In the Views of Sunni Scholars===
Ibn Athir, the Sunni historian counted al-Kulayni among great [[Twelver Shia]] scholars. Al-Dhahabi mentioned al-Kulayni as a Shia shaykh and Twlever Shia scholar who had several written works. Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani and Ibn Makula say that, "he is among a Shia [[faqih]] and author." Ibn 'Asakir has described him having great merits in his book.
==His Works==  
In addition to ''[[al-Kafi]]'', al-Kulayni had some other works which show his scientific position in fields other than hadiths; such as,
* ''[[al-Kafi|Kitab al-kafi]]'';
* ''Kitab al-Rijal'';
* ''Kitab al-Rijal'';
* ''Al-Radd ʿala l-Qaramita'';
* ''Al-Radd ʿala l-Qaramita'';
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* ''Fadl al-Qurʾan''.
* ''Fadl al-Qurʾan''.
==His Teachers==
Up to 50 sources and teachers of al-Kulayni have been mentioned who educated and taught him as well narrating [[hadiths]] for him. His most influential teacher was [[Ali b. Ibrahim al-Qummi]], author of ''[[Tafsir Qummi]]'' who has been mentioned in the chain of tramitters of more than 7068 hadiths in ''al-Kafi''. His other famous teachers are:
* Muhammad b. Yahya al-Ash'ari
* Ahmad b. Idris al-Qummi
* Ahmad b. 'Abd Allah b. Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Khalid al-Barqi
* [[Ahmad b. Muhammad b. 'Isa al-Ash'ari]]
* [['Abd Allah b. ja'far al-Himyari]]
* Hasan b. Fadl b. Yazid al-Yamani
* Ahmad b. Mahran
* Muhammad b. Hasan al-Ta'i
* [['Ali b. al-Husayn b. Musa b. Babawayh al-Qummi]]
* [[Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Saffar]]
* [[Muhammad b. Yahya al-'Attar]]
* Qasim b. 'Ala
* [[Ibn 'Uqda]]
==His Students and Transmitters of Hadiths==
There are some great Shia scholars among his students and those who transmitted hadiths from him. *
==His Demise and Burial Place==
Kulayni passed away in Baghdad, at the age of 70 years old in 328 AH (year of "Tanathur al-Nujum"), the first year of the age of the Major Occultation of Imam al-Mahdi (a). Najashi and Shaykh al-Tusi have reported that Muhammad b. Ja'far Hasani known as Abu Qirat who was a great scholar performed the prayer upon Kulayni's body. His body was buried in Bab Kufa. A person called Ibn 'Abdun has seen Kulayni's grave in Ta'i road upon which there have been the name of Kulayni and the name of his father. Muhammad Baqir Khwansari wrote that, "what is famous about the grave of Kulayni is that it isin the east of Baghdad and tigris river, in the Tikya Mawlawiyya and everyone visits there.

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