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This hadith, which is a conclusive proof of Imam 'Ali's (a) priority and superiority over other companions of the Prophet (s), is successively reported in most Shi'a and Sunni hadith collections and history books.<ref>Al-Amin, Muhsin. 'A'yan al-Shi'a, vol.1 p.337</ref>
This hadith, which is a conclusive proof of Imam 'Ali's (a) priority and superiority over other companions of the Prophet (s), is successively reported in most Shi'a and Sunni hadith collections and history books.<ref>Al-Amin, Muhsin. 'A'yan al-Shi'a, vol.1 p.337</ref>

Some companions who have narrated the hadith are as: [['Umar b. Khattab]], [['Aisha]]<ref> Ibn Sa'd, Al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, vol.8 p.39</ref>, [['Abdullah b. 'Abbas]], [[Anas b. Malik]], and [[Jabir b. Abdullah Ansari]].
Some companions who have narrated the hadith are as: [['Umar b. Khattab]],<ref>Al-Zirikli, Al-A'lam, vol.5 p.203</ref> [['Aisha]],<ref> Ibn Sa'd, Al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, vol.8 p.39</ref> [['Abdullah b. 'Abbas]], [[Anas b. Malik]], and [[Jabir b. Abdullah Ansari]].<ref>Al-Tabari, Al-Tabari, Dhayl al-Mudhil, p.27</ref>

The contents of hadith is reported in different words in various Sunni sources such as Sira al-nabawiyya,<ref> Ibn Hisham, Al-Sira al-Nabawiyya, vol.2 p.334</ref> Mustadrak,<ref>Al-Hakim al-Niyshaburi, Al-Mustadrak, vol.4 p.356</ref> Majma' al-zawa'id, Musnad Ahmad b. Hanbal, Kanz al-'ummal, and Hilya al-'uliya.
The contents of hadith is reported in different words in various Sunni sources such as Sira al-nabawiyya,<ref> Ibn Hisham, Al-Sira al-Nabawiyya, vol.2 p.334</ref> Mustadrak,<ref>Al-Hakim al-Niyshaburi, Al-Mustadrak, vol.4 p.356</ref> Majma' al-zawa'id, Musnad Ahmad b. Hanbal, Kanz al-'ummal, and Hilya al-'uliya.
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