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Trial of Ibrahim (a) Verse: Difference between revisions

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{{center|'''وَإِذِ ابتَلىٰ إِبراهيمَ رَبُّهُ بِكَلِماتٍ فَأَتَمَّهُنَّ قالَ إِنّي جاعِلُكَ لِلنّاسِ إِمامًا قالَ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتي قالَ لا يَنالُ عَهدِي الظّالِمينَ'''}}
{{center|'''وَإِذِ ابتَلىٰ إِبراهيمَ رَبُّهُ بِكَلِماتٍ فَأَتَمَّهُنَّ قالَ إِنّي جاعِلُكَ لِلنّاسِ إِمامًا قالَ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتي قالَ لا يَنالُ عَهدِي الظّالِمينَ'''}}

And when his Lord tried Abraham with certain Kalimat (words), and he fulfilled them, He said: 'I am making you the Imam of mankind.' Said he: 'And from among my descendants?' He said: 'My pledge does not extend to the unjust'
And when his Lord tried Ibrahim with certain Kalimat (words), and he fulfilled them, He said: 'I am making you the Imam of mankind.' Said he: 'And from among my descendants?' He said: 'My pledge does not extend to the unjust'
  |source = Q,2:124
  |source = Q,2:124
  |quoted = 1
  |quoted = 1
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