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{{Main|Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi}}
{{Main|Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi}}

Muhammad Baqir b. Muhammad Taqi b. al-Maqsud 'Ali al-Majlisi known as al-'Allama al-Majlisi or the Second al-Majlisi (b. [[1037]]/1627 – d. [[1110]]/1698) and one of the most famous scholars in [[fiqh]] and [[hadith]] in the world of Islam. He was among the nobilities of Shi'a at the time of [[Safavids]]. He was an expert in different Islamic sciences such as [[exegesis]], [[hadith]], [[fiqh]], [[usul]], history, [[rijal]], [[diraya]], [[philosophy]], logic, mathematics, literature, lexicon, geography, medicine, astronomy, and [[occult sciences]].
Muhammad Baqir b. Muhammad Taqi b. al-Maqsud 'Ali al-Majlisi known as al-'Allama al-Majlisi or the Second Majlisi (b. [[1037]]/1627 – d. [[1110]]/1698) and one of the most famous scholars in [[fiqh]] and [[hadith]] in the world of Islam. He was among the nobilities of Shi'a at the time of [[Safavids]]. He was an expert in different Islamic sciences such as [[exegesis]], [[hadith]], [[fiqh]], [[usul]], history, [[rijal]], [[diraya]], [[philosophy]], logic, mathematics, literature, lexicon, geography, medicine, astronomy, and [[occult sciences]].

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