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Imam Ali b. al-Husayn al-Sajjad (a): Difference between revisions

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{{Family tree Ahl al-Bayt (a)}}
{{Family tree Ahl al-Bayt (a)}}

== Titles and Kunyas ==
== Titles and Teknonyms ==
Imam al-Sajjad's (a) kunyas were Abu l-Hasan, Abu l-Husayn, Abu Muhammad, and Abu 'Abd Allah.<ref>Dhahabi, ''Siyar a'lam al-nubala'', vol. 4 p. 386; Kasrawi, ''Mawsu'a'', vol. 3 p. 64; Al-Razi, ''al-Jarh wa l-ta'dil'', vol. 6 p. 178; Al-Dulabi, ''al-Kuna wa l-asma' '', vol. 1 p. 147; Al-Suyuti, ''Tabaqat al-huffaz'', p. 37</ref>
Imam al-Sajjad's (a) teknonyms were Abu l-Hasan, Abu l-Husayn, Abu Muhammad, and Abu 'Abd Allah.<ref>Dhahabi, ''Siyar a'lam al-nubala'', vol. 4 p. 386; Kasrawi, ''Mawsu'a'', vol. 3 p. 64; Al-Razi, ''al-Jarh wa l-ta'dil'', vol. 6 p. 178; Al-Dulabi, ''al-Kuna wa l-asma' '', vol. 1 p. 147; Al-Suyuti, ''Tabaqat al-huffaz'', p. 37</ref>

His titles are Zayn al-'Abidin (adornment of the worshipers), Sayyid al-Sajidin (master of the prostrators), al-Sajjad (the frequently prostrating one), al-Hashimi, al-'Alawi, al-Madani, al-Qurashi, and 'Ali al-Akbar.<ref>Dhahabi, ''Siyar a'lam al-nubala'', vol. 4 p. 386; Kasrawi, ''Mawsu'a'', vol. 3 p. 64; al-'Asqalani, ''Tahdhib'', vol. 7 p. 231; Ibn Khallikan, ''Wafayat'', vol. 3 p. 266</ref> Dhu l-Thafanat is another title of Imam al-Sajjad (a), since the skin of his prostration points of his body [knees, palms and forehead] had become hardened and there were calluses on them like the knees of camels due to praying a lot.<ref>Ibn Khallikan, ''Wafayat'', vol. 3 p. 274; Al-Mas'udi, ''Muruj al-dhahab'', vol. 3 p. 160; al-Tha'alabi, ''Thimar al-qulub'', p. 226; Ibn Abi l-Hadid, ''Sharh nahj al-balagha'', vol. 10 p. 79</ref>
His titles are Zayn al-'Abidin (adornment of the worshipers), Sayyid al-Sajidin (master of the prostrators), al-Sajjad (the frequently prostrating one), al-Hashimi, al-'Alawi, al-Madani, al-Qurashi, and 'Ali al-Akbar.<ref>Dhahabi, ''Siyar a'lam al-nubala'', vol. 4 p. 386; Kasrawi, ''Mawsu'a'', vol. 3 p. 64; al-'Asqalani, ''Tahdhib'', vol. 7 p. 231; Ibn Khallikan, ''Wafayat'', vol. 3 p. 266</ref> Dhu l-Thafanat is another title of Imam al-Sajjad (a), since the skin of his prostration points of his body [knees, palms and forehead] had become hardened and there were calluses on them like the knees of camels due to praying a lot.<ref>Ibn Khallikan, ''Wafayat'', vol. 3 p. 274; Al-Mas'udi, ''Muruj al-dhahab'', vol. 3 p. 160; al-Tha'alabi, ''Thimar al-qulub'', p. 226; Ibn Abi l-Hadid, ''Sharh nahj al-balagha'', vol. 10 p. 79</ref>
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Ziyarah Amin Allah is a ziyarah that Imam al-Sajjad (a) has recited it when visiting the grave of [[Imam 'Ali (a)]].
Ziyarah Amin Allah is a ziyarah that Imam al-Sajjad (a) has recited it when visiting the grave of [[Imam 'Ali (a)]].

{{Main|List of the Companions of Imam al-Sajjad (a)}}
[[Al-Shaykh al-Tusi]] has mentioned the number of Imam's (a) companions as 170. The following individuals can be mentioned among his most prominent companions and students:
* [[Abu Hamza al-Thumali]]; a Shi'a hadith transmitter and commentator of the [[Qur'an]] in the 2nd/[[8th century]].
* [[Abu Khalid al-Kabuli]]; known as '''Kankar'''.
* [[Al-Qasim b. Muhammad b. Abi Bakr]]; among the elders of the [[Followers]] and one of the seven scholars of [[fiqh]] in [[Medina]] at the time of Imam al-Sajjad (a). He was the father of [[Imam al-Sadiq]]'s mother. He was among the close and trustworthy companions of Imam al-Sajjad (a) and Imam al-Baqir (a).
* [[Jabir b. Abd Allah al-Ansari]]; Companion of the Holy Prophet (s) who participated in many [[ghazwa]]s and [[saryya]]s. He is the narrator of [[Hadith al-Lawh]] from the Holy Prophet (s) which contains the names of Shiite Imams (a).
== Words of Sunni Scholars ==
== Words of Sunni Scholars ==
Muhammad b. Muslim al-Zuhri: "I found no [[Hashemite]] greater or more knowledgeable than him in [[fiqh]]."<ref>Dhahabi, ''Tadhkira'', vol. 1 p. 75; Ibn Kathir, ''al-Bidaya wa l-nihaya'', vol. 9 p. 124</ref>
Muhammad b. Muslim al-Zuhri: "I found no [[Hashemite]] greater or more knowledgeable than him in [[fiqh]]."<ref>Dhahabi, ''Tadhkira'', vol. 1 p. 75; Ibn Kathir, ''al-Bidaya wa l-nihaya'', vol. 9 p. 124</ref>
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