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Ibn Hamza al-Tabari: Difference between revisions

(Created page with "Ibn Hamza, Sharif Hasan b. Hamza b. Ali al-Tabari al-Mar’ashi (d. 358/969) is a Shi’a Faqih and Muhaddith of the 4th century. He travelled to Qom, Rey, Mecca and Kufa for...")
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He is a descendant of Imam al-Sajjad (a). His grandfather was Ali Mar’ash, and therefore his family was called al-Mar’ashi. They were among Shi’a who resided Tabaristan. Fakhr al-Razi reported that Ibn Hamza also lived in Tabaristan and even his ancestors.
He is among the 6th generation of Imam al-Sajjad's descendants. His grandfather was Ali Mar’ash, and therefore his family was called al-Mar’ashi. They were among Shi’a who resided Tabaristan. Fakhr al-Razi reported that Ibn Hamza also lived in Tabaristan and even his ancestors.
Ibn Hamza is very important because his name is mentioned in the chain of narrators of many Hadiths. His name is mentioned as the narrator of the works of 95 Muhaddiths described in Rijal al-Najashi and 6 Muhaddiths described in al-Fihrist al-Tusi.
Ibn Hamza is very important because his name is mentioned in the chain of narrators of many Hadiths. His name is mentioned as the narrator of the works of 95 Muhaddiths described in Rijal al-Najashi and 6 Muhaddiths described in al-Fihrist al-Tusi.

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