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Hadith of Twelve Caliphs: Difference between revisions

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Hadith of Twelve Caliphs is cited in ''[[Sahih al-Bukhari]]'' from [[Jabir b. Samura]] from the Prophet (s) as Twelve Amirs (i.e. rulers), Jabir said,<ref>Bukhārī, ''Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī'', vol. 8, p. 127.</ref>
Hadith of Twelve Caliphs is cited in ''[[Sahih al-Bukhari]]'' from [[Jabir b. Samura]] from the Prophet (s) as Twelve Amirs (i.e. rulers), Jabir said,<ref>Bukhārī, ''Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī'', vol. 8, p. 127.</ref>

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|{{center|{{iarabic|.امام حسن عسکری(ع): جُعِلتِ الخَبائِثُ کُلها فی بَیت وَ جُعِل مِفتاحُها الکَذِبَ}}}}
|{{center|{{iarabic|.جَابِر بْنَ سَمُرَةَ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ النَّبِی(ص)، یقُولُ: یکونُ اِثْنی عَشَرَ اَمیراً فَقالَ کلِمَهً لَمْ اَسْمَعْها، فَقالَ اَبی اِنَّهُ قالَ کلُّهُم مِنْ قُرَیشٍ}}}}

Imam al-Hasan b. Ali al-Askari (a): All evil is placed in a house and the key is lying.
I heard the Prophet (s) say: 'there will be Twelve Amirs (rulers)', and then he said a word that I did not hear, but my father said that the Prophet (s) had said: 'they are all from Quraysh.

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