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Talk:Abd al-Muttalib

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From wikishia

Dear translator/supervisor

There are some points to be taken into account.

First, the spelling of Abd al-Muttalib was not uniform throughout the article. In many cases it was Abdul-Muttalib. Although this spelling appears in other sources on the web, according to wikishia standards it should be Abd al-Muttalib.

Second, in the section about his personality, there is a tradition from the Prophet (s) about Abd al-Muttalib which has been translated in a prayer form while it is not a prayer so it was corrected.In another sentence, "relieved his thirst" was replaced with "quenched his thirst" which is more common as a collocation.

Third, in the part Digging the Zamzam well, "Qasi b. Kilab" was changed into "Qusai b. Kilab".

In the section "Pledge", God almighty was changed into God Almighty because all divine attributes must start with capital letters.

In the section about his faith, "Idol worshipper" was changed into "idol worshiper" because there is no need to capitalize idol and no need for double p. And

In the section about traditions he had established,there is a word in Farsi article "qur'a" which has been translated into "lottery" which I think is not a proper equivalent for this term but I did not make any changes.

In the part about his "Death", this term was changed into "Demise" because it is used for well-known and influential people instead of death.

The names that appeared at the end of the article were checked for spelling issues. "Abd al-Izza" was replaced with "Abd al-Uzza". Some other names were modified as well.

Yours, Mohammad Kh.