Talk:Battle of Jamal
- A'isha -> 'Ayisha
- Nakithin -> Nakithun
- Uthman ibn Affan -> 'Uthman b. 'Affan
- Ali -> 'Ali
- Quran -> Qur'an
- Muhammad ibn Hanifa -> Muhammad b. al-Hanafiyya
The added parts are in {} and the deleted parts are strike-through.
- Because Prophet Muhammad (s) regarded me superior to 'Ayisha{'s father (Abu Bakr)}.
- Talha and Zubayr themselves have killed Uthman and they
are planning to take{pretend taking}revenge so that others would believe they were innocent of murdering him. - In most of statements gave by Imam Ali (a), he criticized
those who started the battle of Jamal{Talha and Zubayr}; it is assumed Imam (a) was talking about the mistakes Talha and Zubayr have made, as they both started the battle of Jamal. (اولاً: در اکثر طعنها و سرزنشهایی که از امیرالمؤمنین (ع) نسبت به اصحاب جمل وارد شده، ایشان روی سخنشان با طلحه و زبیر است. گو این که حضرت(ع) مسبب اصلی جنگ را این دو میداند) - persuasion to good deeds and forbidding bad deeds -> enjoining the good and forbidding the evil
- Finally
A'isha forces faced Imam Ali (a) and his{an} army with three thousand soldiers, 900 of them came from Mecca and Medina {was prepared}.
(سرانجام، سپاهی ۳۰۰۰ نفری آماده حرکت شد که ۹۰۰ تن از آنان از مردم مدینه و مکه بودند.)
(توضیح: این در مرحله ای است که هنوز سپاه اصلی ناکثین تشکیل نشده است در نهایت سپاه سی هزار نفری با حضرت علی مواجه می شوند.)
- Imam Ali's army involved seven groups of different tribes, {Other tribes} such as Qays, Azd, ... {Joined the Nakithun} Also a number of
soldiers of both sides{tribes} abandoned {both sides of} the battle (سپاهیان امام علی(ع)، هفت گروه از قبایل گوناگون بودند. برخی قبایل نیز، مانند قَیس و اَزد و ... به اصحاب جمل ملحق شدند. عدهای نیز از هر دو طرف کناره گرفتند) - Imam Ali (a) sent a letter to 'Ayisha and mentioned, she has left her house against Quran's order with excuses such as reforming society, {and} taking revenge of Uthman, accompanying an army and
committing sins{she had committed a great sin.} (امام(ع) در نامهای به عایشه نیز هشدار داد که برخلاف دستور قرآن از خانهاش بیرون آمده و به بهانه اصلاح بین مردم و خونخواهی عثمان، لشکرکشی کرده و خود را گرفتار گناهی بزرگ ساخته است. ) - on the other hand Imam Hasan (a)
answer{answered} his claims. - You have seen flags of Ali's army in
his son's{the} hands {of brave young men} (تو پرچمهای پسر ابیطالب را دیدهای که به دست جوانان دلیر است) only{do not} loot opponents' properties {except} from their camps. (جز آنچه در اردوگاه اصحاب جمل است، برندارند)- Talha
ran away and hid in{was moved to} a house in Basra (طلحه را به خانهای در بصره منتقل کردند) - Imam (a) said
he made Prophet Muhammad pleased with his fighting for Islam.{This sword had taken away the grief from the face of Prophet Muhammad several times} ( فرمود این شمشیر بارها اندوه را از چهره رسول خدا(ص) زدود) - 2500 soldiers were
murdered{killed} fromBasra{Nakithun} forces. In other sources the number ofJamal{Nakithun} losses were mentioned as 6000 to 25000