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Talk:Hamza b. Abd al-Muttalib

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From wikishia

1-The end of Hamza after Islam paragraph needs some repair, please notice. The final sentence could be like this: History has it, that he actually responded to Abu Lahab's acts of disrespect accordingly.

2-The first sentence in "His name, Kunya and title" paragraph should go like this: There are narrations saying that Thu'wayba, Abu Lahab's female servant, breastfed the... .

3-In Hamza Before Islam the whole paragraph needs to be put more fluently so as to give readers information on the importance of Hamza's unique character! Here's a new one:

Hamza was a hunter. Before Islam he was a well-known son of 'Abd al-Muttalib who became a chief of Quraysh tribe and later reached such an influential position that even other tribes decided to go to him for different contracts or settling of various covenants. According to texts, people from Mecca sought for his assistance in occasions like Fijar and the Hilf al-Fudul.

He attended the ceremony of Prophet's marriage along with uncles of Prophet (s) and Abu Talib. In their marriage Abu Talib, Muhammad's uncle, delivered the marriage saying and afterwards pronounced them wife and husband. Rather unclear, but sources have not gone beyond citing his (Hamza) name for that special ceremony. Facts say that, despite being relatively young, it was Hamza who was chosen by the Hashimis to represent them on this marriage occasion.

In the year when Quraysh was afflicted by a severe famine, Prophet (s) suggested that someone should take care of Abu Talib's family since it was hard for him to afford for a large family at that time. Apparently Hamza accepted to undertake this responsibility to support Ja'far's, the cousin of Prophet (s). (Tabari, cites Abbas instead of Hamza under this event)

(more needs to be done to uncover his past)

S.J.Mosavi (talk) 13:25, 15 September 2015 (IRDT)