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From wikishia

When a male and a female get married, they become "mahram" (mahram literally means a non-marriageable member of the family with whom sexual relationship would be considered incestuous, prohibited, and unthinkable; but here means the male and the female become related) >>>

When a male and a female get married, they become "Halal" (Halal here means that they can have sexual relationship)

Hukm >>> ruling

they will become legally and morally responsible to each other, in a way that if they abdicate their responsibilities, sometimes they deserve to be seriously punished.The Qur'an uses the word "nikah" in two senses: 1) sexual intercourse; 2) 'aqd al-nikah (marriage contract).

Especially fathers are supposed to feel a great weight of responsibility for their children's marriage, and if the youths commit a sin because of their father's failure in their responsibility, it seems that the fathers committed the same sin. >>>

Especially parents are supposed to feel a great weight of responsibility for their children's marriage, and if the youths commit a sin because of being single, the parents have their share in the sin.

Nikah is usually mustahab (literally "recommended" is an Islamic term referring to recommended, favored or virtuous actions) and is sometimes haram (forbidden by Allah), wajib (obligatory), makruh (reprehensible) or mubah (neither encouraged or discouraged) as a consequence of side effects. For example, nikah is wajib for the one who probably commit a sin for being single, and is haram for a male who has four wives, and is makruh if one's sexual need is satisfied, and is mubah if to marry or not to marry have the same advantages. >>>

Marriage is usually Mustahab (literally "recommended" is an Islamic term referring to recommended, favored or virtuous actions) but in special circumstances it could have other rules. For example, it is Wajib (obligatory) for the one who probably commit a sin for being single, and is Haram (forbidden) for a male who has four wives, and is Makruh (reprehensible) if the person does not have any sexual desire, and is Mubah (neither encouraged or discouraged) if each of marrying and not marrying have the their own Islamic advantages.

The master can makes his/her slave mubah for another person; which is called tahlil in fiqh. Most jurists believe that tahlil is tamlik al-manfa'a (tamlik means to give the possession in, and manfa'a means benefit) but some believe that tahlil is a kind of 'aqd.

Added: As there is many situations in which slaves are freed in Islam, there is no slave in most of the Islamic societies for centuries.

... (Rida') meaning the milk-suckling which produces permanent Mahramiyya relation between a male the sucking newborn and a female the breast-feeding woman.

Male and female A divorced couple can marry someone with whom they used to be married each other again, but if they get divorced three times, they their marriage would become eternally haram to each other. forbidden; unless the woman marries another man and gets divorced, in such a case she can marry her first husband again.

Temporary marriage ... It's common in some families that the man and the woman become Mahram by reading the Sigha of temporary marriage after the proposal ceremony for permanent marriage is done. By this custom they make it easier for the groom and the bride to prepare for the permanent marriage ceremony.

the husband accuses his wife that she's been unfaithful and has committed of commiting adultery. In the case that if the husband...

nushuz (refusing to have sexual relationship violating rights of each other)

# drug addiction has been also considered as a factor which makes a person not being a good choice as a spouse.

--Nazarzadeh (talk) 15:45, 14 November 2015 (IRST)