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From wikishia

1- In The Historical Status of the Water , "He asked us if anyone had come from Mecca", this one should go ; He asked if anyone of us had come from Mecca, and i said " I am from Mecca".

2-The same paragraph People of Mecca had always been viewing Zamzam a sacred water, it does seem that Zamzam according to the texts is a holy well so in case we need to mention its water it should be like this; "Zamzam's sacred water." Moreover, please define a time adverb for this sentence, its so unclear. Finally, this sentence alone is completely ruining reader's tastes so quick that they would stop following us the moment we choose to speak from washing Corpses to Drinking water in one sentence? can you imagine that? (suggestion), we need to draw a line between both ideas (Ablution and Drinking)and put the readers to think on the reason behind it! (being sacred is the core issue here not being a dated washing hub).

3-In The First Time Zamzam Grew Dry: 1- Jurhumians consumed the sacred water of Zamzam and...; just instead of "used up". (does used up make it clear that they actually caused the drought in that region which according to the history it was created to last for ever?) the point is, we sort of need to say here that they must have done something evil that ,according to history, led to the drought of the great Well of Zamzam, it is a mishap after all ,isn't it? 2- the title for this paragraph could go like The Jurhumians and Zamzam to best fit the content.

4- In Renewed Measure for Establishing Zamzam, the final sentence goes "'Abd al-Muttalib found the spot with the...", needs a few changes though. It could go like this : With the help of the signs, Abdul Mutalib found the spot. He called on his son Harith and they both started to search for the hidden well by digging the ground. At one point they reached the well and water where Ismael had put stones around it.

5- Please consider to change the category of this topic for the following reasons;

  • They seem unnatural
  • They are too lengthy
  • They share less with the content


1- Definition

2- Variety of Names

3- Zamzam In Hadiths

3-1 Rituals

4- Background

4-1 Historical Standing
4-2 Juhumians and Zamzam
4-3 Re-locating Zamzam
4-4 Zamzam In Ages
4-5 The Now Zamzam


(there's more) S.J.Mosavi (talk) 13:04, 20 September 2015 (IRDT)

Thanks for your comments! --Hamed A.F (talk) 10:21, 21 September 2015 (IRDT)