Text:Sura Abasa
![]() | This is the text of Supplication . For the related article see Sura Abasa. |
In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful. | بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ |
He frowned and turned away (1) | عَبَسَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ ﴿١﴾ |
when the blind man approached him. (2) | أَن جَاءَهُ الْأَعْمَىٰ ﴿٢﴾ |
And how do you know, maybe he would purify himself, (3) | وَمَا يُدْرِيكَ لَعَلَّهُ يَزَّكَّىٰ ﴿٣﴾ |
or take admonition, and the admonition would benefit him! (4) | أَوْ يَذَّكَّرُ فَتَنفَعَهُ الذِّكْرَىٰ ﴿٤﴾ |
But as for someone who is wealthy, (5) | أَمَّا مَنِ اسْتَغْنَىٰ ﴿٥﴾ |
you attend to him, (6) | فَأَنتَ لَهُ تَصَدَّىٰ ﴿٦﴾ |
though you are not liable if he does not purify himself. (7) | وَمَا عَلَيْكَ أَلَّا يَزَّكَّىٰ ﴿٧﴾ |
But as for someone who comes hurrying to you, (8) | وَأَمَّا مَن جَاءَكَ يَسْعَىٰ ﴿٨﴾ |
while he fears [Allah], (9) | وَهُوَ يَخْشَىٰ ﴿٩﴾ |
you are neglectful of him. (10) | فَأَنتَ عَنْهُ تَلَهَّىٰ ﴿١٠﴾ |
No indeed! These [verses of the Quran ] are a reminder (11) | كَلَّا إِنَّهَا تَذْكِرَةٌ ﴿١١﴾ |
—so let anyone who wishes remember— (12) | فَمَن شَاءَ ذَكَرَهُ ﴿١٢﴾ |
in honoured scriptures, (13) | فِي صُحُفٍ مُّكَرَّمَةٍ ﴿١٣﴾ |
exalted and purified, (14) | مَّرْفُوعَةٍ مُّطَهَّرَةٍ ﴿١٤﴾ |
in the hands of envoys, (15) | بِأَيْدِي سَفَرَةٍ ﴿١٥﴾ |
noble and pious. (16) | كِرَامٍ بَرَرَةٍ ﴿١٦﴾ |
Perish man! How ungrateful is he! (17) | قُتِلَ الْإِنسَانُ مَا أَكْفَرَهُ ﴿١٧﴾ |
From what did He create him? (18) | مِنْ أَيِّ شَيْءٍ خَلَقَهُ ﴿١٨﴾ |
He created him from a drop of [seminal] fluid; then proportioned him. (19) | مِن نُّطْفَةٍ خَلَقَهُ فَقَدَّرَهُ ﴿١٩﴾ |
Then He made the way easy for him; (20) | ثُمَّ السَّبِيلَ يَسَّرَهُ ﴿٢٠﴾ |
then He made him die and buried him; (21) | ثُمَّ أَمَاتَهُ فَأَقْبَرَهُ ﴿٢١﴾ |
and then, when He wished, resurrected him. (22) | ثُمَّ إِذَا شَاءَ أَنشَرَهُ ﴿٢٢﴾ |
No indeed! He has not yet carried out what He has commanded him. (23) | كَلَّا لَمَّا يَقْضِ مَا أَمَرَهُ ﴿٢٣﴾ |
Let man consider his food: (24) | فَلْيَنظُرِ الْإِنسَانُ إِلَىٰ طَعَامِهِ ﴿٢٤﴾ |
We pour down plenteous water [from the sky], (25) | أَنَّا صَبَبْنَا الْمَاءَ صَبًّا ﴿٢٥﴾ |
then We split the earth making fissures in it (26) | ثُمَّ شَقَقْنَا الْأَرْضَ شَقًّا ﴿٢٦﴾ |
and make the grain grow in it, (27) | فَأَنبَتْنَا فِيهَا حَبًّا ﴿٢٧﴾ |
as well as vines and vegetables, (28) | وَعِنَبًا وَقَضْبًا ﴿٢٨﴾ |
olives and date palms, (29) | وَزَيْتُونًا وَنَخْلًا ﴿٢٩﴾ |
and densely-planted gardens, (30) | وَحَدَائِقَ غُلْبًا ﴿٣٠﴾ |
fruits and pastures, (31) | وَفَاكِهَةً وَأَبًّا ﴿٣١﴾ |
as a sustenance for you and your livestock. (32) | مَّتَاعًا لَّكُمْ وَلِأَنْعَامِكُمْ ﴿٣٢﴾ |
So when the deafening Cry comes— (33) | فَإِذَا جَاءَتِ الصَّاخَّةُ ﴿٣٣﴾ |
the day when a man will evade his brother, (34) | يَوْمَ يَفِرُّ الْمَرْءُ مِنْ أَخِيهِ ﴿٣٤﴾ |
his mother and his father, (35) | وَأُمِّهِ وَأَبِيهِ ﴿٣٥﴾ |
his spouse and his sons— (36) | وَصَاحِبَتِهِ وَبَنِيهِ ﴿٣٦﴾ |
each of them will have a task to keep him preoccupied on that day. (37) | لِكُلِّ امْرِئٍ مِّنْهُمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ شَأْنٌ يُغْنِيهِ ﴿٣٧﴾ |
Some faces will be bright on that day, (38) | وُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ مُّسْفِرَةٌ ﴿٣٨﴾ |
laughing and joyous, (39) | ضَاحِكَةٌ مُّسْتَبْشِرَةٌ ﴿٣٩﴾ |
and some faces on that day will be covered with dust, (40) | وَوُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ عَلَيْهَا غَبَرَةٌ ﴿٤٠﴾ |
overcast with gloom. (41) | تَرْهَقُهَا قَتَرَةٌ ﴿٤١﴾ |
It is they who are the faithless, the vicious. (42)[1] | أُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْكَفَرَةُ الْفَجَرَةُ ﴿٤٢﴾ |
- ↑ Translation from Qara'i, Ali Quli, THE QUR'AN With a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation, second edition, retrieved form al-Quran.info