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Text:Ziyarah Text of Imam Muhammad b. 'Ali al-Baqir (a)

From wikishia
Peace be on you, O Imam of Sound advice! ASSALAAMO A’LAYKA YA IMAAMUL HODAA.. السلام عليك يا إمام الهدى
Peace be on you, O moon in Darkness ! ASSALAAMO A’LAYKA YAA BADARADDOJAA السلام عليك يا بدر الدجى
Peace be on you, O shelter Of piety! ASSALAAMO A’LAYKA YAA KAHFAT TOQAA.. السلام عليك يا كهف التقى
Peace be on you, O leader of Pious ones! ASSALAAMO A’LAYKA YAA QAAEDA AHLIT TAQWAA السلام عليك يا قائد أهل التقوى
Peace be on you, O revealer Of the knowledge of Prophets! ASSALAAMO A’LAYKA YAA BAAQERA I’LMIN NABIYYEENA السلام عليك يا باقر علم النبيين
Peace be on you, O prestige Of the skies & the earths! ASSALAAMO A’LAYKA YAA ZAINAS SAMAAWAATE WAL ARAZEENA السلام عليك يا زين السموات والأرضين ،
O Allah! In The same way as You made Him as the protector of Your beings and the Trustee of Your tolerance And the translator of Your messages, ALLAAHUMMA KAMAA JAALTAHOO A’LAMAN LEE’BAADEKA WA MUSTAWDA-A’N LEHILMEKA WA MOTARJEMAN LE WAHYEKA اللهم كما جعلته علما لعبادك ومستودعا لحلمك ومترجما لوحيك
Send the Choicest blessings on him-blessings sent by You On the descendants of Your Prophets and on Your select Beings & on Your Apostles and on Your trustees. O Lord of the Worlds![1] FASALLE ALAIHE AFZALA MAA SALLAYYTA A’LA AHADIM MIN ZURRIYATE AMBEYAAEKA WA ASFEYAAEKA WA ROSOLEKA WA OMANAAEKA YAA RABBAL A’ALAMEEN فصلي عليه أفضل ما صليت على أحد من ذرية أنبيائك وأصفيائك ورسلك وأمنائك يا رب العلمين


  1. The text, transliteration, and translation is taken from Duas.org