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Text:Ziyarah text of Imam al-Sadiq (a)

From wikishia

The below is the Ziyara-text of Imam al-Sadiq (a) the sixth Imam of the Shia:

Translation Transliteration Text
Peace be on you, O Imam of The world! ASSALAMO A’LAYKA YAA EMAAMAL WARAA.. السلام عليك يا إمام الورى
Peace be on you O secure and Lasting link of Allah! ASSALAAMO A’LAYKA AYYOHAL URWATUL WUSQAA.. السلام عليك أيها العروة الوثقى
Peace be on you, O strong rope of Allah! ASSALAAMO A’LAYKA YAA HABLALLAAHIL MATEENE السلام عليك يا حبل الله المتين
Peace be on you, O the bright light Of Allah! ASSALAAMO A’LAYKA YAA NOORAHUL MOBEENE السلام عليك يانورالله المبين
Peace be on you, O the truthful ASSALAAMO A’LAYKA AYYOHAS SAADEQO السلام عليك أيها الصادق
Ja’far son of Mohammad, Treasurer of Allah’s Knowledge, O true inviter of people towards Allah! JA’FER UBNO MUHAMMADIN KHAZENUL ILMIDDAAE’E.. ELALLAAHE BILHAQQE جعفر بن محمد خازن العلم الداعي إلى الله بالحق
O Allah! In the same way as You Have made him the mine Of Your words and of Your Messages and the treasurer of Your knowledge, ALLAHUMMA KAMAA JAA’LTAHOO MA’DENA KALAAMEKA WA WAHYEKA WA KHAZENA I’LMEKA اللهم كما جعلته معدن كلامك ووحيك وخازن علمك
And give him the language of Your oneness, the ownership of Your realm WA LESAANA TAWHEEDEKA WA WALIYYA AMREKA ولسان توحيد ووالي أمرك
And the protectorship of Your Religion, send the choicest of Blessings on him- WA MUSTAHFEZA DEENEKA FASALLE ALAIHE AFZALA ومستحفظ دينك ، فصلي عليه أفضل
The same blessings bestowed by You on Your regents And successors. Surely, You are Worthy of praise and Your are Revered![1] MAA SALLAYTA A’LA AHADIM MIN AWSEYAAEKA WA HOJAJEKA INNAKA HAMIDUM MAJID… ماصليت على أحد من أوصيائك وحججك إنك حميد مجيد


  1. The text, transliteration and translation is taken from Duas.org