The following mIRC script allows channel operators to quiet someone using the Freenode client, with a single command, /x nickname.
It waits until chanserv has opped you up, and the bans on the hex part of their hostmask, which is their IP addy.
It is in two parts;
/x { enable #opandquiet set %opandquietaddress $1 set %opandquietchannel # msg chanserv op # timeropandquiet 1 30 /disable #opandquiet }
#opandquiet off on 1:OP:#: { if ($opnick == $me) && ($chan == %opandquietchannel) { var %foot = $ial(%opandquietaddress).user if (%foot != $null) mode $chan +q-o $left($mask($ial(%opandquietaddress),13),19) $+ * $me disable #opandquiet unset %opandquietaddress unset %opandquietchannel } } #opandquiet end