Text:Ziyarah Text of Fatima al-Ma'suma (a)
(Redirected from Ziyarah text of Fatima al-Ma'suma (a))
![]() | This is the text of Supplication of Fatima al-Ma'suma (a). For the related article see Fatima al-Ma'suma (a). |
In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful. | بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ |
Peace be on Adam, the Choice of Allah! | اَلـسَّلامُ عَـلى آدَمَ صَـفْوَةِ اللّه |
Peace be on Noah, the Prophet of Allah, | اَلسَّلامُ عَلى نوُح نَبِىِّ اللّه |
Peace be on Ibraheem, the Friend of Allah, | اَلسَّلامُ عَلى ابْراهیمَ خَلیل اللّه |
Peace be on Musa who spoke to Allah, | اَلسَّلامُ عَلى موُسى کَلیم ِاللّه |
Peace be on Isa, the Spirit of Allah. | اَلسَّلامُ عَلى عیسى روُح ِ اللّه |
Peace be on you, O the best of the Mankind | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا خَیْرَ خَلْقَ اللّه |
Peace be on you, O Choice of Allah! | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا صَفِىَّ اللّه |
Peace be on you. O Muhammad b. 'Abd Allah, the last of the Prophets! | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا مُحَمّدَ بْنَ عَبْد ِاللّه ِ، خاتَمَ النَّبِیّینَ |
Peace be on you, O 'Ali b. Abi Talib, Commander of the faithful and the Successor of the Messenger of Allah. | السَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا اَمیرَالْمُؤْمِنینَ عَلىَّ بْنَ اَبى طالِب ، وَصِىَّ رَسوُل ِ اللّه |
Peace be on you, O Fatimah, the Leader of the women of the worlds, | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْک ِ یا فاطِمَةُ سَیِّدَةَ نِساءِ الْعالَمینَ |
Peace be on you, O the grandsons of the Prophet of Mercy, and the leaders of the youth of Paradise | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکُما یا سِبْطَىْ نَبِىِّ الرَّحْمَة وَ سَیِّدَىْ شَباب ِ أَهْل ِ الْجَنَّة |
Peace be on you, O Ali bin Husayn, the leader of worshipers, O Coolness of investigating eyes, | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا عَلِىَّ بْنَ الْحُسَیْن سَیِّدَ الْعابِدینَ وَ قُرَّةَ عَیْن ِ النّاظِرینَ |
Peace be on you, O Mohammed bin Ali, O the explorer of the knowledge | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا مُحَمَّدَ بْنَ عَلِىٍّ، باقِرَ الْعِلْم ِ بَعْدَ النَّبِىِّ |
Peace be on you, O Ja'far bin Mohammed, the truthful the benign, the trustworthy | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا جَعْفَرَ بْنَ مُحَمَّد الصّاد ِقَ الْبارَّ الْامینَ |
Peace be on you, O Musa bin Ja'far, the pure, the purified, | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا موُسَى بْنَ جَعْفَر الطّاهِرَ الطُّهْرَ |
Peace be on you, O Ali bin Musa, the pleased, the gratified, | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا عَلِىِّ بْنَ موُ سَى الرِّضَا الْمُرْتَضى، |
Peace be on you, O Mohammed bin Ali, the pious one | اَالسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا مُحَمَّدَ بْنَ عَلِى التَّقِىَّ |
Peace be on you, O Ali bin Muhammad, the pure, the advising guardian, and the trustworthy | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا عَلِىِّ بْنَ مُحَمَّد النَّقِىَّ النّاصِحَ الْأَمینَ |
Peace be on Hasan bin Ali, | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا حَسَنَ بْنَ عَلِىٍّ |
Peace be on the successor after him | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَى الْوَصِىِّ مِنْ بَعْدِه |
O Allah, bless your light, the successor and vicegerent of Thy Messenger and Thy decisive argument over mankind | اَللّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى نُورِکَ وَ سِراجِکَ، وَ وَلِىِّ وَلِیِّکَ، وَ وَصِیِّکَ، وَ حُجَّتِکَ عَلى خَلْقِکَ |
Peace be on you, O daughter of the Messenger of Allah! | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْک ِ یابِنْتَ رَسوُل ِ اللّه |
Peace be on you, O, daughter of Fatimah and Khadijah! | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْک ِ یابِنْتَ فاطِمَةَ وَ خَدیجَةَ |
Peace be on you, O, daughter of the Commander of the faithful! | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْک ِ یابِنْتَ اَمیر ِ الْمُؤْمِنینَ |
Peace be on you, O, daughter of Hasan and Husayn! | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْک ِ یابِنْتَ الْحَسَن ِ وَ الْحُسَیْن |
Peace be on you, O, daughter of the vicegerent of Allah! Peace be on you, O, sister of the vicegerent of Allah! Peace be on you, O, Aunt of the vicegerent of Allah! | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْک ِ یابِنْتَ وَلِىِّ اللّه اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْک ِ یا اُخْتَ وَلِىِّ اللّه ِ، اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْک ِ یا عَمَّةَ وَلِىِّ اللّه اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْک ِ یابِنْتَ موُسَى بْن ِ جَعْفَر وَ رَحْمَةُ اللّه ِ وَ بَرَکاتُهُ. |
Peace be on you, O, daughter of Musa b. Jafar! May Allah confer His Mercy and blessing on you! Peace be on you May Allah grant us your companionship on the day of Judgment and guide us to follow your footsteps and lead us to your grandfather's fountain and quench our thirst out of it, with Muhammad's own cup in Ali's hand, Allah bless you All. | اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْک ِ، عَرَّفَ اللّهُ بَیْنَنا وَ بَیْنَکُمْ فِى الْجَنَّة ِ، وَ حَشَرَنا فى زُمْرَتِکُمْ، وَ أَوَرَدْنا حَوْضَ نَبِیِّکُمْ، وَ سَقانا بِکَأْس ِ جَدِّ کُمْ مِنْ یَد عَلِى ِّ بْن ِ اَبى طالِب ، صَلَواتُ اللّه عَلَیْکُمْ |
I ask Allah to grant us, through you, happiness, ease and your companionship, together with your grandfather on the day of Judgment and not to deprive us from understanding you. Indeed, He is Protector and Powerful on everything. | أَسْئَلُ اللّه أَنْ یُر ِیَنا فیکُمُ السُّروُرَ وَ الْفَرَجَ ، وَ أَنْ یَجْمَعَنا وَ إِیّاکُمْ فى زُمْرَة ِ جَدِّکُمْ مُحَمَّد، صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَیْه ِ وَ آلِه ِ، وَ أَنْ لا یَسْلُبَنا مَعْر ِ فَتَکُمْ، إِنَّهُ وَلِىِّ قَدیرٌ. |
O Allah, I seek Thy nearness through my love for you, my enmity for your enemies and my surrender to Allah willingly, not arrogantly my acceptance, with unshaken faith, what He communicated to Muhammad seeking in that Thy Face! Thy satisfaction, and the next world. | أَتَقَرَّبُ إِلَى اللّه ِ بِحُبِّکُمْ وَ الْبَرإَة ِ مِنْ أَعْدائِکُمْ، وَ التَّسْلیم ِ إِلَى اللّه ِ ، راضِیاً بِه ِ غَیْرَ مُنْکِر وَ لا مُسْتَکْبِر وَ عَلى یَقین ِ ما أَتى بِه مَحَمَّدٌ وَ بِهَ راض، نَطْلُبُ بِذلِکَ وَجْهِکَ یا سَیِّدى ، اَللّهُمَّ وَ رِضاکَ وَ الدّارَ الْآخِرَةِ. |
O Fatima! Stand by us when Allah sits in judgment over us, O intimate of Allah, O Allah, I ask Thee to make my ending happy, and not to take away what you have given me | یا فاطِمَةُ إشْفَعى لى فِى الْجَنَّة فَا ِنَّ لَکَ عِنْدَاللّْه ِ شَأْناً مِنَ الشَّأْن اَللّْهُمّ ا ِنى اَسْئَلُکَ أَنْ تَخْتِمَ لى بِالسَّعادَة فَلاتَسْلُبْ مِنّى ِ ما أَنَا فیه |
There is neither might nor power but with Allah, the Great, the Exalted. | وَ لاحُولَ وَ لا قُوَةَ إِلا بالّله الْعَلِىِّ الْعَظیم |
So by Thy generosity, might Mercy and bounteousness, comply with our supplication, Allah, bless Mohammed, and his pious and pure Progeny and give them abundant peace! O the most Merciful of the Merciful.[1] | اَللّهُمَ اسْتَجِبْ لَنا، وَ تَقَبَّلْهُ بِکَرَمِکَ وَ عِزَّتِکَ وَ بِرَحْمَتِکَ وَ عافِیَتَکَ، وَ صَلَّى الّلهُ عَلى مُحَمَّد وَ آلِه ِ أَجْمَعینَ، وَ سَلَّمَ تَسْلیما |