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wikishia:Featured Article/2014/38

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The verse of Indhar (آية الإنذار) is verse 214 of Surah al-Shu'ara', which was revealed to the Prophet (s) 3 years after Bi'that. In this verse the Prophet (s) is ordered to warn the nearest of his kinsfolk and invite them to Islam. In the same gathering, the Prophet (s) introduces Ali b. Abi Talib (a) as his vicegerent and the caliph after himself.

In this verse, the Prophet (s) is ordered to warn the nearest of his kinsfolk and invite them to Islam.

According to what is mentioned in Shi'a and Sunni commentaries of the Qur'an, after receiving this command, the Prophet (s) invited 40 of his nearest kinsfolk for a meal. He then said to them: continue...