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wikishia:Featured Article/2018/12

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Kufa is located in the south of Iraq, 10 Kilometers northeast of Najaf and it is the second city built by Muslims. It was chosen as the capital by Imam 'Ali (a) in 36/656-57, and he was martyred there. Most of Shi'a Muslims were from Kufa in the 1st/7th century. The Great Mosque of Kufa and al-Sahla Mosque are among the main historical buildings of city. Sciences such as fiqh, hadith and Arabic syntax were prosperous in this town.

Kufa played a role in the Battle of Karbala; Imam al-Husayn (a) headed toward this city following the invitation letter sent by its residents. A large portion of the army who fought with Imam al-Husayn (a) was also from Kufa. At the beginning of Abbasid rule, Imam al-Sadiq (a) traveled to this city a few times and offered lessons.

A great position has been depicted for Kufa in Shi'a hadiths. It has been considered as the center of Imam al-Mahdi's (a) government after his reappearance. The importance of Kufa is mostly related to two early centuries of Islam, because once the Imam Ali's (a) grave was made known to public and Najaf expanded, Kufa gradually lost its prominence and position while Najaf gained prominence and position instead.Read more...