wikishia:Wikiproject Shia related pages in Wikipedia
Welcome to Wikiproject Shia related pages in Wikipedia!
This project is to draw an outline about the pages in Wikipedia that are related in any way to Shia, including articles, categories, photos, infoboxes, naveboxes or other templates, so the users of WikiShia can write about those topics. You can also contribute to this project by adding external links to the lists, analyzing the data or suggesting any point which could help us to a better understanding the information.
General Concepts
- Shia etymology: There is no entry under this title in WikiShia, but almost the whole content exists in the entry of Shia.
- Shia Islam
- Shia Islamic beliefs and practices: There is no such page in Wikishia, but the page in Wikipedia is only a list of pages all of which exist in WikiShia.
- Twelver: The page has much more information than what WikiShia has in امامیه
- Imamah from the point of view of all the Shi'a sects
- Adl
- Islamic calendar
- Sharia
- Abjad
- Aqidah (Islamic Theology)
- Schools of Islamic theology
- Dīn
- Ahl al-Fatrah
- Dawah
- Munafiq
- Fasiq
- Muhammad's views on slavery
- Irfan
- Criticism of Twelver Shia Islam
- Religious persecution
- Self-flagellation
- Predestination in Islam
- Idolatry
- Madhhab
- Sharif
- Ashraf
- Murid
- Mujahideen
- Religious war
- Talibanization
- Book:Islamic terrorism
- Nafs
- Jesus in Islam
- Category:Conceptions of God
- Divine presence
- God the Sustainer
- God in Abrahamic religions
- Names of God in Islam
- Absolute (philosophy)
- Divine simplicity
- Personal god
- Shura (Shura)
- Islamic state (Islamic state)
- Human Rights in Islam (Human Rights)
- Islamic democracy (Democracy in Shia)
- Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution
- Qadi
- Muhtasib
- War
- Iran–Iraq War
- Syrian Civil War
- Al-Shabaab (militant group)
- Sheikh Mansur
- Islamofascism
- Muslim Brotherhood
- Islamic revival
- Islamization of knowledge
- Forced conversion to Islam
- Divisions of the world in Islam
- Muslim world
- Spread of Islam
Art & Culture
Shia-Sunni Relations
Isma'ili Branches
History and Events
- History of Shia Islam
- Origin of Shia Islam
- Umar at Fatimah's house
- First Fitna
- Second Fitna
- Succession to Muhammad
- List of expeditions of Muhammad
- Ilkhanate
- Mongol Empire
- Genghis Khan
- Khwarazmian dynasty
- Hulagu Khan
- Qizilbash
- Persecution of Muslims
- Ghazi (warrior)
- Muslim conquests
- Mughal Empire
- Muslim conquest of Persia
Islamic Golden Age
Safavid dynasty
Rules and Rituals
14 Infallibles
- Fatimah (Lady Fatima (a))
- Hasan ibn Ali (Imam al-Hasan al-Mujtaba (a))
- Husayn ibn Ali (Imam al-Husayn (a))
- Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin (Imam al-Sajjad (a))
- Muhammad al-Baqir (Imam al-Baqir (a))
- Ja'far al-Sadiq (Imam al-Sadiq (a))
- Musa al-Kadhim (Imam al-Kazim (a))
- Ali al-Ridha (Imam al-Rida (a))
- Muhammad al-Jawad (Imam al-Jawad (a))
- Ali al-Hadi (Imam al-Hadi (a))
- Hasan al-Askari (Imam al-Hasan al-'Askari (a))
- Muhammad al-Mahdi (Imam al-Mahdi (a))
Holy Days
- Muharram
- Mourning of Muharram
- Battle of Karbala
- Husayn ibn Ali
- Ashura Day of Ashura
- Arba'een
- Umayyad Caliphate
- Yazid I
- Karbala
- Safar
- [Shabeeh-e-Taboot]
- Majlis
- Tatbir
- Azadari in Lucknow
- Chup Tazia
- Marsiya
- Noha
- Soaz
- Ya Hussain
- Hosay
- Ta'zieh
- List of casualties in Husayn's army at the Battle of Karbala
- Sermon of Zaynab bint Ali in the court of Yazid
- Non-Muslim view of Husayn ibn Ali
Books and Texts
- List of Muslim reports
- The Succession to Muhammad by Wilferd Madelung
- Nass (Islam)
- Encyclopaedia of Islam
- Islamic holy books
- Hadith studies
- Criticism of Hadith
- Hadith (Hadith)
- Kitab al-Kafi
- Tahdhib al-Ahkam
- Al-Istibsar
- The Book of Sulaym ibn Qays
- Man la yahduruhu al-Faqih
- Hadith of the two weighty things
- Nahj al-Balagha (Nahj al-Balagha)
- Wasā'il al-Shīʿa (Wasa'il al-Shi'a)
- Hadith of the pen and paper
- Hadith of the Twelve Successors
- Ghadir Khumm
- Hadith terminology
- Categories of Hadith
- Bihar al-Anwar (Bihar al-anwar)
- Reality of Certainty
Du'a and Ziyarat
Shi'a Seminary
- Category:Shia clerics
- Hawza (Hawza)
- Ayatollah (Ayatollah)
- List of Ayatollahs
- Allamah
- Hujjat al-Islam (Hujjat al-Islam)
- Taqlid
- Ijtihad
- Shia clergy
- Akhbari
- Usuli
- Ja'fari jurisprudence (Ja'fari School)
- Marja'
- Madrasa
- Ijazah
- Ulama
- Faqīh
- Grand Imam of al-Azhar
- Mullah
- Khatib
- Mawlawi (Islamic title)
- Mufti
- Murshid
- Pir (Sufism)
- Akhoond
- Mujaddid
- Sheikh
- Marabout
- Shaykh al-Islām
- Ustad
Islamic Sciences
- Ijma
- Qiyas
- Urf
- Istihlal
- Istihsan
- Halal
- Fard
- Mustahabb
- Sawab
- Mubah
- Makruh
- Haram
- Batil
- Fasiq
- Islamic views on sin
- Hujja
- [1]
Hakim (title)]
Islamic Missionary
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
View of Non-Shi'a
- Template:Twelvers
- Template:Shia Islam
- Template:Theology
- Template:Islamic theology
- Template:Aqidah
- Template:Islam
- Template:Allah
- Template:Islam and iman
- Template:Sufism
- Template:Campaignbox Campaigns of Muhammad
- Template:Alevism
- Template:Usul al-fiqh
- Template:Family tree: The template is not specific for the 14 infallibles, but it is used a lot in Shia related pages in Wikipedia.
- Template:Sufism
- Template:Hadith
- Template:Ali
- Portal:Shia Islam
- Template:Characters and names in the Quran
- Template:Islamism sidebar
- Template:Fiqh
- Template:Islamism in South Asia
- Template:Salafi
- Template:Ethnic slurs
- الگو:مهدویت
- Template:Doomsday