Sha'ban 18
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Sha'ban 1446

- 326 AH – Demise of Husayn b. Ruh al-Nawbakhti, the third deputy of Imam al-Mahdi (a) (June 20, 938 CE)
- 1209 AH - Demise of Mulla Mahdi Naraqi (March 10, 1795 CE)
- 1371 AH - Demise of Sayyid 'Ali Akbar Khu'i (May 13, 1952 CE)
- 1416 AH - Demise of Hasan Sa'id Tihrani (January 10, 1996 CE)
- 1432 AH - Demise of Sayyid 'Abbas Sadr Husayni (July 20, 2011 CE)