Al-Fusul al-muhimma (disambiguation)
Al-Fusul al-muhimma may refer to the following books:
- Al-Fusul al-muhimma fi ta'lif al-umma: is an Arabic book in one volume written by al-Sayyid 'Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din concerning the unification and proximity of the Islamic Umma.
- Al-Fusul al-muhimma fi ma'rifat al-a'imma: is an Arabic book concerning the biographies of the Twelve Imams (a) written by Ibn Sabbagh al-Maliki (d. 855/1451-2), a Sunni author.
- Al-Fusul al-muhimma fi 'usul al-a'imma: one of the works of Al-Hurr al-'Amili (d. 1104/1693), the author of Wasa'il al-Shi'a, which is written in Arabic. The book deals with general principles derived from hadiths that every Muslim should know, believe, and act upon.