Al-Halabi (disambiguation)
Halabi refers to the people of Aleppo, a city in Syria, and may also refer to the following individuals:
- Abu l-Salah al-Halabi (d. 447/1055-6) a prominent Imami jurist and theologian. He was a student of al-Sharif al-Murtada and al-Shaykh al-Tusi.
- 'Ubayd Allah b. 'Ali al-Halabi a Shia narrator and scholar of hadith and jurisprudence in 2nd/8th century and among the companions of Imam al-Sadiq (a).
- Ibn al-Barraj al-Tarabulusi (d. 481/1088) was a Shi'a jurist and judge in the 5th/11th century.
- Hamza b. 'Ali b. Zuhra al-Halabi (d. 585/1189) famous as Ibn Zuhra was a jurist, usuli, theologian, nahwi, and one of the great shi'a scholars of sixth/twelfth century.
- Thabit b. Aslam al-Halabi (d. 460/1068), a Shia religious scholar, jurist, professor of grammar, and Quran reciter from Aleppo, Syria.
- Ibn Abi Tayyi al-Halabi (died around 630/1233), was a Shia historian and writer from Aleppo who studied under scholars such as Ibn Shahrashub and Taj Ali Ashraf b. A'azz.