Amuli (disambiguation)
Amuli may refer to:
- Muhammad b. Jarir b. Rustam al-Tabari, an Imami theologian in the third/ninth century and the author of al-Mustarshid fi l-imama.
- 'Izz al-Din Muhammad Amuli, (d. 753/1352) student of al-'Allama al-Hilli and a Shia scholar.
- Hasan b. Mahmud al-Kashi, a Shiite poet in the 7th/13th century.
- Sayyid Haydar Amuli, a Shiite mystic in 8th/14th century.
- Muhammad Taqi Amuli, was a Shi'a jurist who educated under great teachers like Mirza Na'ini, Aqa Diya' 'Iraqi.
- Mirza Hashim Amuli, among Shi'a authority in 14th/20th century.
- Hasan Hasanzada Amuli, (b. 1929) is a philosopher, mystic, theologian, mujtahid, astronomer, and a teacher of religious and Islamic seminary disciplines.