February 24
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
February 24 is the 55th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; 310 days remain until the end of the year (311 in leap years).
- 624 CE - Fasting started to be an obligatory task for every Muslim (Sha'ban 28, 2)
- 1897 CE - Demise of Mir Muhammad Husayn Shahristani (Ramadan 22, 1314)
- 1930 CE - Martyrdom of Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Isfahani (Ramadan 25, 1348)
- 1952 CE - Demise of Muhammad 'Askari Tihrani, a Shi'a jurist in Samarra. (Jumada I 28, 1371)