Jumada I 3

Rabi' II
Jumada I 1446
Jumada II

- 1293 AH - Demise of Abu l-Qasim Musawi Zanjani, a Shi'a jurist. (May 27, 1876)
- 1325 AH - Demise of Sayyid Muhsin 'Iraqi, a Shi'a jurist and scholar who made many endowments. (June 13, 1907)
- 1328 AH - Introduction of Sayyid Abu l-Hasan Isfahani as one of twenty mujtahids to verify the compatibility of the National Consultative Assembly's approvals with the rulings of Shi'i jurisprudence. (May 13, 1910)
- 1337 AH - Demise of al-Sayyid Isma'il al-Sadr, a Shi'a scholar and marja' who issued a fatwa of jihad against the invasions of Russia, Britain, and Italy on Islamic territories. (February 4, 1919)
- 1372 AH - Demise of Sayyid Muhammad Hujjat Kuhkamara'i, a Shi'a jurist, muhaddith, scholar of rijal, marja', and the founder of Hujjatiyya seminary in Qom. (January 19, 1953)
- 1405 AH - Demise of 'Abd Allah Mudarris Gurji, a Shi'a jurist, theologian and exegete. (January 25, 1985)
- 1416 AH - Demise of Hasan Safi Isfahani, a Shi'a jurist. (September 28, 1995)