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North American Shia Ithna-asheri Muslim Communities (NASIMCO)

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North American Shia Ithna-asheri Muslim Communities (NASIMCO)
General Information
TypeProviding services to the Sh'ia community in North America • Connecting North American Shi'as with Shi'as around the world
LocationNorth America

The Organization of North American Shia Ithna-asheri Muslim Communities (NASIMCO) is an umbrella organization for the followers of the Shia faith in North America. Its mission is to provide a common structure and framework to meet the religious, cultural and social needs of the Shia and to enhance social and religious excellence of Islamic Shia Ithna-asheri communities in North America.[1]


A session in a capacity building program held by NASIMCO in 2015.

NASIMCO was established in 1980 and has served the Shia Community in North America and worldwide since then. It has been trying to link the North American Shia Comunity with the Shias of the world. During these years, this organization has contributed towards all the major natural disasters, eg Katrina, Gujrat Earthquake, Kenya Famine, Bam Earthquake, Pakistan Earthquake and Tsunami.[2]

Programs and Activities

NASIMCO has a program of sponsoring students for Education and also for sponsoring orphans. Its humanitarian services extends into education, health care, provision of clean water and empowering towards self sufficiency. It also focuses on programs for personal development[3] and capacity building of Shia youth in North America and advancement, development and empowerment of women in all spheres of life. An annual Conference has also among the activities of NASIMCO for more than 30 years, on various topics related to Islam and Shi'a.


  1. About NASIMCO, Official Website of NASIMCO, Retrieved September 9, 2015
  2. NASIMCO, Canada Help, Retrieved September 9, 2015
  3. NASIMCO Youth Leadership Retreat 2015, Hey Event, Retrieved September 9, 2015

External Links