Safar 27

Safar 1446
Rabi' I

- 11 AH - Assignment of Usama by the Prophet (s) to prepare the army for war against Roman Empire (May 24, 632)
- 589 AH - Demise of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi (March 4, 1193)
- 1315 AH - Demise of Abu l-Ma'ali Muhammad Kalbasi Isfahani (July 28, 1897)
- 1414 AH - Demise of Sayyid 'Abd al-A'la Sabziwari (August 16, 1993)
- 1421 AH - Demise of Sayyid Ali Akbar Abu Turabi (June 1, 2000)
- 1441 AH – Demise of Al-Sayyid Ja'far Murtada al-'Amili (b. 1364/1945) a Shiite scholar and expert in the history of Islam and Shiism and a Shiite biographer, (October 26, 2019 CE)