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'''[[Al-Shaykh al-Tusi|Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan b. ʿAli b. al-Ḥasan]]''' (Arabic:{{ia| محمد بن الحسن بن علي بن الحسن}}) (b. [[385]]/995 in [[Tus]], d. [[460]]/1067 in [[Najaf]]), better known as '''al-Shaykh al-Ṭūsī''' (Arabic:{{ia| الشيخ الطوسي}}), was one of the greatest [[Shi'a]] [[jurist]]s and compilers of [[hadith]].
'''[[Al-Shaykh al-Tusi|Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan b. ʿAli b. al-Ḥasan]]''' (Arabic:{{ia| محمد بن الحسن بن علي بن الحسن}}) (b. [[385]]/995 in [[Tus]], d. [[460]]/1067 in [[Najaf]]), better known as '''al-Shaykh al-Ṭūsī''' (Arabic:{{ia| الشيخ الطوسي}}), was one of the greatest [[Shi'a]] [[jurist]]s and compilers of [[hadith]].

Al-Shaykh al-Tusi composed over fifty books in the fields of [[jurisprudence]], hadith, [[theology]], and [[tafsir]]. Some of his important works are as follows:
Al-Shaykh al-Tusi composed over fifty books in the fields of [[theology]], [[exegesis]], [[jurisprudence]], and  hadith. Some of his important works are as follows:

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==Principles of Jurisprudence==
==Principles of Jurisprudence==
*'''Sharh al-sharh''' in Usul
*'''Sharh al-sharh''' in Usul
* ''[[Al-'Uddat fi l-usul]]'': The first part of this book is about the [[principles of faith]], and the second is about the [[principles of jurisprudence]]
*'''[[Al-'Uddat fi l-usul]]''': The first part of this book is about the [[principles of faith]], and the second is about the [[principles of jurisprudence]]
*'''Mas'ala fi al-amal bi-khabar al-wahid wa bayan hujiyyatihi'''
*'''Mas'ala fi al-amal bi-khabar al-wahid wa bayan hujiyyatihi'''

* ''[[Al-Istibsar fi ma ikhtalafa min al-akhbar]]'': This compilation of hadith is one of the [[Four Books]] and one of the main sources of Shi'a [[jurisprudence]].
* ''[[Tahdhib al-ahkam]]'': This hadith compilation is one of the [[Four books]].
*'''[[Al-Istibsar fi ma ikhtalafa min al-akhbar]]''': This compilation of hadith is one of the [[Four Books]] and one of the main sources of Shi'a [[jurisprudence]].
*'''[[Tahdhib al-ahkam]]''': This hadith compilation is one of the [[Four books]].

* ''[[Ikhtiyar ma'rifat al-rijal (book)|Ikhtiyar al-rijal]]'': This book is an edition of ''[[Rijal al-Kashshi]]''. The original work of [[al-Kashshi]] no longer exists, and what is today known as ''Rijal al-Kashshi'' is this edition of al-Shaykh al-Tusi.
* ''[[Al-Abwab]]'' (Doors), or ''Rijal al-Shaykh al-Ta'ifa''.
*'''[[Ikhtiyar ma'rifat al-rijal (book)|Ikhtiyar al-rijal]]''': This book is an edition of ''[[Rijal al-Kashshi]]''. The original work of [[al-Kashshi]] no longer exists, and what is today known as ''Rijal al-Kashshi'' is this edition of al-Shaykh al-Tusi.
*'''[[Al-Abwab]]''' (Doors), or '''Rijal al-Shaykh al-Ta'ifa'''

* ''[[Misbah al-mutahajjid (book)|Misbah al-mutuhajjid]]'': This is one of the most important and reliable Shi'a resources for rituals, practices and prayers.
*'''[[Al-Jumal wa l-uqud]]''': This is about [['ibadat]] (acts of worship), and was written at the request of Qadi 'Abd al-Aziz b. Nahrir b. 'Abd al-Aziz b. al-Barraj, the judge of Trablus (d.481/1088)
* ''[[Al-Jumal wa l-uqud]]'': This is about [['ibadat]] (acts of worship), and was written at the request of Qadi 'Abd al-Aziz b. Nahrir b. 'Abd al-Aziz b. al-Barraj, the judge of Trablus (d.481/1088)
*'''Mukhtasar al-misbah'''
*'''Mukhtasar fi amal yawm wa layla'''
*'''Hidayat al-mustarshid wa basirat al-muta'abbid'''
*'''[[Misbah al-mutahajjid (book)|Misbah al-mutuhajjid]]''': This is one of the most important and reliable Shi'a resources for rituals, practices and prayers.

* ''Al-Amali'' (Dictations): Since al-Shaykh al-Tusi dictated this book in several sessions, it is also called ''Al-Majalis'' (Sessions).
*'''[[Al-Amali (by al-Tusi)|Al-Amali]]''' (Dictations): Since al-Shaykh al-Tusi dictated this book in several sessions, it is also called ''Al-Majalis'' (Sessions).
* ''[[Al-Fihrist (by al-Shaykh al-Tusi)|Al-Fihrist]]'': The authors of books and [[Asl|Usul]] and chain of references to those books are mentioned.
*'''Uns al-wahid'''
* ''[[Mukhtasar akhbar al-Mukhtar ibn abi 'Ubayd al-Thaqafi]]'' (Concise history of [[Mukhtar al-Thaqafi]]).
*'''[[Al-Fihrist (by al-Shaykh al-Tusi)|Al-Fihrist]]''': The authors of books and [[Asl|Usul]] and chain of references to those books are mentioned.
*'''[[Mukhtasar akhbar al-Mukhtar ibn abi 'Ubayd al-Thaqafi]]''' (Concise history of [[Mukhtar al-Thaqafi]]).
*'''Mas'ala fi al-ahwal'''
*'''Al-Masa'il al-ilyasiyya'''
*'''Al-Masa'il al-raziyya'''
*'''Maqtal al-Husayn (a)'''
*'''Manasik al-hajj fi mujarrad al-amal'''
*'''Al-Naqd ala ibn shadhan fi mas'alat al-ghar'''

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