Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan b. ʿAli b. al-Ḥasan (b. 385/995 in Tus, d. 460/1067 in Najaf), better known as al-Shaykh al-Ṭūsī (Arabic: الشيخ الطوسي), was one of the greatest Shi'a jurists and compilers of hadith.

Al-Shaykh al-Tusi composed over fifty books in the fields of theology, exegesis, jurisprudence, and hadith. Some of his important works are as follows:




  • Al-Nihaya fi mujarrad al-fiqh wa l-fatawa: This is one of his greatest works in Shi'a jurisprudence and includes his fatwas
  • Al-Khilaf fi l-ahkam, or Masa'l al-khilaf: In this book, the laws and instructions of different Islamic denominations are discussed and evaluated.
  • Al-Mabsut fi fiqh al-Imamiyya: This is one of the most important books in Shi'a jurisprudence and encompasses all divisions of jurisprudence.
  • Mas'ala fi tahrim al-fuqqa'
  • Mas'ala fi wujub al-jizya ala al-yahud wa al-muntamin ila al-jababira
  • Masa'il ibn al-barraj
  • Al-Masa'il al-qayyima
  • Al-ijaz about fara'iz
  • Al-Masa'il al-janbala'iya
  • Al-Masa'il al-ha'iriyya, In his Sara'ir Ibn Idris named it as al-Ha'iriyyat
  • Al-Masa'il al-halabiyya

Principles of Jurisprudence




  • Al-Jumal wa l-uqud: This is about 'ibadat (acts of worship), and was written at the request of Qadi 'Abd al-Aziz b. Nahrir b. 'Abd al-Aziz b. al-Barraj, the judge of Trablus (d.481/1088)
  • Mukhtasar al-misbah
  • Mukhtasar fi amal yawm wa layla
  • Hidayat al-mustarshid wa basirat al-muta'abbid
  • Misbah al-mutuhajjid: This is one of the most important and reliable Shi'a resources for rituals, practices and prayers.


  • Al-Amali (Dictations): Since al-Shaykh al-Tusi dictated this book in several sessions, it is also called Al-Majalis (Sessions).
  • Uns al-wahid
  • Al-Fihrist: The authors of books and Usul and chain of references to those books are mentioned.
  • Mukhtasar akhbar al-Mukhtar ibn abi 'Ubayd al-Thaqafi (Concise history of Mukhtar al-Thaqafi).
  • Mas'ala fi al-ahwal
  • Al-Masa'il al-ilyasiyya
  • Al-Masa'il al-raziyya
  • Maqtal al-Husayn (a)
  • Manasik al-hajj fi mujarrad al-amal
  • Al-Naqd ala ibn shadhan fi mas'alat al-ghar


  1. Al-Tusi, al-Nihaya, pp. 17-31