List of Works by Al-Sayyid Muhsin al-Amin
List of Works by Al-Sayyid Muhsin al-Amin is collection of works by Al-Sayyid Muhsin al-Amin a shia jurist, biographer and expert in Arabic literature from Jabal Amel, Lebanon. He authored many works including:

- A'yan al-Shi'a
A'yan al-Shi'a is his most important work, which is a comprehensive reference containing biographies of Shi'a noble figures. A remarkable portion of the book is dedicated to biographies of Shi'a Imams (a); however regarding the expansion of the notion of Twelver Shi'a, the book has included biography and the works of 11,733 individuals to present Shi'a cultural identity and show the role of Twelver Shi'as in the progress of Islamic civilization. The book is a great biographical reference of important Shi'a figures, from early years of Islam to scholars contemporary to the compiler, including companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s), Tabi'un and experts of different fields including narrators, experts of hadith, reciters and exegetes of the Qur'an, jurists, Islamic philosophers, theologians, preachers, poets, experts in Arabic syntax, lexicography, morphology and rhetoric, logicians, mathematicians, astronomers, and even political figures like kings and ministers.
A'yan al-Shi'a consists of ten large volumes, of which the first one and half volumes are the introduction and the biographies of the Prophet (s), Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (s) and Shi'a Imams (a). The rest are biographies of other Shi'a figures.
Other works
- Haqq al-yaqin (True certainty in necessity of unity amongst Muslims) in which he emphasizes the necessity of unity in Islamic Ummah.
- Kashf al-irtiyab, in which he refutes the beliefs of Wahhabbism.
- Lawa'ij al-'ashjan, in which he discusses the event of 'Ashura.
- al-Tanzih li-a'mal al-shabih which has been written in objection to some of common ways of mourning among Shi'a and considers acts like tatbir against the Islamic Law.
- Naqd al-washi'a
- Tarikh Jabal 'Amil
- 'Asdaq al-akhbar fi qissat al-'akhdh bi-l thar
- Al-Bahr al-zakhkhar fi sharh ahadith al-a'immat al-athar
- Sharh isaghuji
- Irshad al-juhhal
- Al-Durr al-thamin
- Al-Taqlid 'afat al-'uqul
- Hadhf al-fudul an 'ilm al-'usul
- Hawashi al-ma'alim
- Hashiyat al-qawanin
- Al-Durr al-munazzam fi mas'ala al-taqlid al-'a'lam
- Asas al-shari'a
- Arjuzat fi al-nikah
- Tuhfat al-ahbab fi 'adab al-ta'am al-sharab
- Jawabat al-masa'il al-damishqiyya
- Jawabat al-masa'il al-safitiya
- Jawabat al-masa'il al-'iraqiyya
- Janah al-nahid 'ila ta'allum al-fara'id
- Kashf al-ghamid fi ahkam al-fara'id
- Safinat al-kha'id fi bahr al-fara'id
- Hawashi al-'urwat al-wuthqa
- Al-Rawd al-'arid fi ahkam tasarrufat al-marid
- Al-Durus al-diniyya
- Sharh al-tabsira
- Durar al-'uqud fi hukm zawjat al-gha'ib wa al-mafqud
- Durus al-hayd wa al-istihada wa al-nifas
- Al-Dur al-thamin fi ahammi ma yajib ma'rifatahu ala al-muslimin
- Al-Durrat al-bahiyya fi tatbiq mawazin al-shar'iyya ala al-'urfiya
- Kashifat al-qina' fi ahkam al-rida'
- Al-'Ujrumiyat al-jadida
- Safwat al-safw fi 'ilm al-nahw
- Al-Manif fi 'ilm al-tasrif
- 'Urjuzat fi al-sarf
- Hashiya al-mutawwal
- 'Urjuzat fi 'alaqat al-majaz wa sharhaha
- Al-Rahlat al-himsiyya
- Al-Rahlat al-'iraqiyya
- Al-Rahlat al-hijaziyat al-awla
- Al-Rahlat al-hijaziyat al-thaniya
- Al-Rahlat al-'iraqiya al-iraniya
- Abutamam al-ta'i
- Abufaras al-hamdani
- Abu Nuwas
- Hashiya al-ghurar wa al-durar
- Hashiya miftah al-falah
- Hashiya al-sahifat al-thaniya al-sajjadiya
- Ma'adin al-jawahir
- Miftah al-jannat
- Al-'Alawiyat al-'ishrun
- 'Aja'ib ahkam Amir al-Mu'minin fi al-mufakhira bayna al-raha wa al-ta'b
- Al-Amali
- Al-Sahifat al-khamisa al-sajjadiya
- Al-Qawl al-sadid fi al-ijtihad wa al-taqlid
- Hawashi amali al-murtada
- Al-Husun al-mani'a fi radd ma awradahu sahib al-minar fi haqq al-shia
- Al-Shi'a wa al-manar
- Iqna' al-la'im ala iqamat al-matam
- Al-Durar al-muntaqat li 'ajl al-mahfuzat
- De'bel al-khuza'i
- Al-Durr al-nadid fi marathi al-sibt al-shahid
- Sharh gharib al-sahifa al-thaniya al-sajjadiya
- Fawa'id fi masa'il mutafariqa
- Al-Majālis al-thanīyya fī manāqib wa masāʾib al-ʿitrat al-nabawīyya
- Mulhaq al-ddurr al-nadid
- Al-'Uqud al-durriya
- Manasik al-hajj
- Al-Masa'il al-damishqiyya fi al-furu' al-fiqhiyya
- Al-Mawlid al-nabawi al-sharif
- Five treatise in Mufakhirat al-mufakhira bayn al-ghina wa al-faqr
- Al-Mufakhira bayna al-sayf wa al-qalam
- Al-Mufakhira bayn al-'ilm wa al-mal
- Al-Mufakhira bayn al-raha wa al-ta'b knon as 'A'jab al-'ajab
- Over 20 treatise in rejections and criticism.
- And other treatises.
- The material for this article is mainly taken from فهرست آثار سید محسن امین in Farsi WikiShia.