List of Works by Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar

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The book Usul al-fiqh
The book 'Aqa'id al-Imamiyya
The book Al-Saqifa

List of Works by Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar is collection of works by Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar (d. 1383/1964) a Shia scholar in 14th/20th century. The books, al-Mantiq (logic), usul al-fiqh, (principles of jurisprudence) and 'Aqa'id al-Imamiyya (Imamiyya beliefs), upgraded the way textbooks of Islamic seminaries were written. They are textbooks of Islamic seminaries today.


  • Usul al-fiqh: al-Muzaffar wrote this book as a textbook for the College of Fiqh in Najaf, and he intended it to fill the gap between two other textbooks in usul al-fiqh: Ma'alim al-din and Kifayat al-usul. In the structure of the book, he followed the lead of his teacher, Muhammad Husayn Gharawi Isfahani. Like his other written works, usul al-fiqh was written in a simple style. He tried to cash out complex issues of usul al-fiqh in a very clear and comprehensible way.
  • 'Aqa'id al-Imamiyya: the book is a collection of Islamic beliefs in accordance with Ahl al-Bayt (a) in a summarized and eloquent style. Before writing the book, he had lectured the material in al-Muntada collage in 1363/1944-5, and then published it both as Aqa'id al-Imamiyya and Aqa'id al-Shi'a. His purpose of writing the book was to approximate Islamic sects.
  • Al-Mantiq: the book consisted of al-Muzaffar's lectures regarding logic since 1357/1938-9 in al-Muntada al-Nashr College. The book is taught as a textbook in both the Islamic seminaries and universities.

Other Works

  • Ahlam al-yaqza
  • Tatimma ahlam al-yaqza
  • Tarikh al-Islam
  • Hurriyyat al-insan wa irtibatuha bi qada' Allah
  • Diwan she'r
  • Risala 'amaliya fi daw' al-manhaj al-hadith
  • Al-Za'im al-mawhub al-Sayyid Abu l-Hasan Isfahani
  • Al-Saqifa
  • Sharh hal Sadr al-Din Shirazi (Mulla Sadra)
  • Sharh hal Shaykh Muhammad Hasan Najafi (Sahib jawahir)
  • Sharh hal Shaykh Husayn Isfahani
  • Sharh hal Mulla Muhammad Mahdi Naraqi
  • Shaykh al-Tusi mu'asis jami'at al-najaf
  • 'Ala hamish al-saqifa
  • Falsafat ibn Sina
  • Al-Falsafa al-islamiyya
  • Falsafat al-Imam Ali (a)
  • Falsafat al-kindi
  • Al-Muthul al-Aflatuniyya 'inda Ibn Sina
  • Majmu'a ash'ar (in Sha'ra al-ghura)
  • Majmu'a-'i az rasa'il dar 'ilm kalam
  • Mudhakirat al-shaykh
  • Al-Najaf ba'da nisfa qarn
