List of Works by Sayyid 'Abd al-Husayn Dastghiyb
The list of works by Sayyid ʿAbd al-Husayn Dastghiyb includes the books written by Sayyid 'Abd al-Husayn Dastghiyb (d. 1981). He as a Shi'a scholar and the third martyr of the altar in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Most of Dastghiyb’s works were concerned with ethics and religious beliefs. Some of his books have sold over one million copies. An electronic version of his collected work has been published by Noor Center for Computer Research.
- Here is the list of Dastghiyb’s work in the alphabetic order:
- 82 Questions (including 82 questions and answers about the principles of religious beliefs and replies to objections)
- Islamic Ethics (collection of Dastghiyb’s speeches about issues of training and morality)
- Imamate (on the issue of imamate, focused on the imamate of Amir al-Mu'minin 'Ali (a))
- Iman (on the faith)
- Adabi az Qur'an (an exegesis of Sura al-Hujurat)
- A'ien-i zindigi (problems of individual and social life)
- Bandigi raz-i afarinish (an exposition of the Fadakiyya Sermon)
- Bihisht-i jawidan (an exegesis of Sura al-Rahman)
- Pursish-ha wa pasukh-ha (the major primitive notions of Islam)
- Tardid wa tawakkul (on concepts such as doubt and trust in God)
- Tawhid (on the principle of monotheism)
- Haqayiqi az Qur'an (an exegesis of Sura al-Qamar)
- Dastanha-yi shigift (including 148 true, instructive stories from major religious figures)
- Razgu'i wa Qur'an (an exegesis of Sura al-Mujadala)
- Sara-yi digar (an exegesis of Sura al-Waqi'a)
- Sayyid al-Shuhada' (a) (on the third Shiite Imam (a) and his practice, as well as an exegesis of the al-Sha'baniyya Sermon)
- Salat al-khashi'in (outlines of the prayer)
- Adl (on the principle of justice, as well as fate and pre-determination of destiny (al-qada' wa l-qadar), predestination (jabr) and delegation of actions to mankind (tafwid))
- Qalb-i salim (in two volumes concerning Islamic ethics and monotheism)
- Qalb-i Qur'an (an exegesis and elaboration of Sura Ya-Sin)
- Qiyam-i Husayni (Imam al-Husayn’s uprising and its goals)
- Gunahan-i kabira (an elaboration of Major Sins based on Quranic verses and hadiths)
- Mazalim (an exposition of supplication 38 of al-Sahifat al-Sajjadiyya)
- Ma'ad (on death, barzakh, and resurrection)
- Ma'arifi az Qur'an (an exegesis of Sura al-Hadid and problems about God)
- Mi'raj (an account of Prophet Muhammad’s ascent)
- Mahdi-yi Maw'ud (narratives and anecdotes about Imam al-Mahdi (a))
- Nubuwwat (on raison d'être of prophets)
- Nafs-i Mutma'inna (an exegesis of the last four verses of Sura al-Fajr).