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Al-Jarh wa l-Ta'dil: Difference between revisions

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There are two types of terms for jarh and ta'dil: words and phrases.
There are two types of terms for jarh and ta'dil: words and phrases.

Words of jarh and ta'dil are either simple terms such as [[reliable hadiths|reliable]], truthful (Arabic: {{ia|الصدوق}}, saduq), well-reputed (Arabic: {{ia|الوجه}}, wajh), or complex terms such as having appropriate hadiths (Arabic: {{ia|صالح الحدیث}}, salih al-hadith), bad in memorizing (Arabic: {{ia|سیّئ الحفظ}}, sayyi' al-hifz), and with unknown or denied hadiths (Arabic: {{ia|منکر الحدیث}}, munkar al-hadith).
Words of jarh and ta'dil are either simple terms such as [[reliable hadiths|reliable]], truthful (Arabic: {{ia|الصدوق}}, al-saduq), well-reputed (Arabic: {{ia|الوجه}}, al-wajh), or complex terms such as having appropriate hadiths (Arabic: {{ia|صالح الحدیث}}, salih al-hadith), bad in memorizing (Arabic: {{ia|سیّئ الحفظ}}, sayyi' al-hifz), and with unknown or denied hadiths (Arabic: {{ia|منکر الحدیث}}, munkar al-hadith).

Phrases of jarh and ta'dil are sentences used to express jarh or ta'dil of a transmitter of hadiths, such as "yuktab hadithuh" (his hadith is written), or "yunzar fih" (there are considerations about him), and the like.
Phrases of jarh and ta'dil are sentences used to express jarh or ta'dil of a transmitter of hadiths, such as "yuktab hadithuh" (his hadith is written), or "yunzar fih" (there are considerations about him), and the like.