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This hadith, which is a conclusive proof of Imam 'Ali's (a) priority and superiority over other companions of the Prophet (s), is repeatedly reported in most Shi'a and Sunni hadith collections and history books and it has reached the level of [[tawatur]].<ref>Al-Amin, Muhsin, ''A'yan al-Shi'a'', vol.1 p.337</ref>
This hadith, which is a conclusive proof of Imam 'Ali's (a) priority and superiority over other companions of the Prophet (s), is repeatedly reported in most Shi'a and Sunni hadith collections and history books and it has reached the level of [[tawatur]].<ref>Al-Amin, Muhsin, ''A'yan al-Shi'a'', vol.1 p.337</ref>

Some companions who have narrated the hadith are as: [['Umar b. al-Khattab]],<ref>Al-Zirikli, ''al-A'lam'', vol.5 p.203</ref> [['A'isha]],<ref>Ibn Sa'd, ''Tabaqat al-kubra'', vol.8 p.39</ref> [['Abd Allah b. al-'Abbas]], [[Anas b. Malik]], and [[Jabir b. Abd Allah al-Ansari]]<ref>Al-Tabari, ''Dhayl al-mudhayyal'', p.27</ref>.
Some companions who have narrated the hadith are as: [['Umar b. al-Khattab]],<ref>Al-Zirikli, ''al-A'lam'', vol.5 p.203</ref> [[Aisha]],<ref>Ibn Sa'd, ''Tabaqat al-kubra'', vol.8 p.39</ref> [['Abd Allah b. al-'Abbas]], [[Anas b. Malik]], and [[Jabir b. Abd Allah al-Ansari]]<ref>Al-Tabari, ''Dhayl al-mudhayyal'', p.27</ref>.

The content of this hadith is reported in different wording in various Sunni sources such as ''al-Sira al-Nabawiyya''<ref>Ibn Hisham, ''al-Sira al-Nabawiyya'', vol.2 p.334</ref>, ''al-Mustadrak''<ref>Al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, ''al-Mustadrak'', vol.4 p.356</ref>, ''Majma' al-zawa'id''<ref>Al-Haythami, ''Majma' al-zawa'id'', vol.9 p.108</ref>, ''Musnad Ahmad b. Hanbal''<ref>Ahmad b. Hanbal, ''Musnad Ahmad'', vol.1 p.23</ref>, ''Kanz al-'ummal''<ref>Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, ''Kanz al-'ummal'', vol.5 p.284</ref>, and ''Hilyat al-awliya''<ref>Hafiz Abu Na'im, ''Hilyat al-awliya'', vol.4 p.356</ref>.
The content of this hadith is reported in different wording in various Sunni sources such as ''al-Sira al-Nabawiyya''<ref>Ibn Hisham, ''al-Sira al-Nabawiyya'', vol.2 p.334</ref>, ''al-Mustadrak''<ref>Al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, ''al-Mustadrak'', vol.4 p.356</ref>, ''Majma' al-zawa'id''<ref>Al-Haythami, ''Majma' al-zawa'id'', vol.9 p.108</ref>, ''Musnad Ahmad b. Hanbal''<ref>Ahmad b. Hanbal, ''Musnad Ahmad'', vol.1 p.23</ref>, ''Kanz al-'ummal''<ref>Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, ''Kanz al-'ummal'', vol.5 p.284</ref>, and ''Hilyat al-awliya''<ref>Hafiz Abu Na'im, ''Hilyat al-awliya'', vol.4 p.356</ref>.
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