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:“Everyone who recites sura al-Shams all his organs will witness for him in the Day of Judgment and God will say that: I would accept you witness for my slave and would reward him. Accompany him to heaven till select anything he want and all the blessing of heaven would be tasty for him.”
:“Everyone who recites sura al-Shams all his organs will witness for him in the Day of Judgment and God will say that: I would accept you witness for my slave and would reward him. Accompany him to heaven till select anything he want and all the blessing of heaven would be tasty for him.”
==Sura al-Shams==
91:1 By the sun and her forenoon splendour,
91:2 by the moon when he follows her,
91:3 by the day when it reveals her,
91:4 by the night when it covers her,
91:5 by the sky and Him who built it,
91:6 by the earth and Him who spread it,
91:7 by the soul and Him who fashioned it,
91:8 and inspired it with [discernment between] its virtues and vices:
91:9 one who purifies it is felicitous,
91:10 and one who betrays it fails.
91:11 The [people of] Thamud denied [Allah’s signs] out of their rebellion,
91:12 when the most wretched of them rose up.
91:13 But then the apostle of Allah said to them, ‘Let Allah’s she-camel drink!’
91:14 But they impugned him and then hamstrung her, so their Lord took them unawares by night because of their sin, and levelled it.
91:15 And He does not fear its outcome.
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