Talk:Irshad al-qulub (book)
- First chapter: on the reward of advising and well-wishing
- Second chapter: on the value of God-wariness and pious living
- Third chapter: criticism of worldliness
- Fourth chapter: value of ascesis or abandoning the worldliness
- Fifth chapter: frightening from the hereafter through verses of the Qur'an
- Sixth chapter: reward of an action and punishment in this world
- Seventh chapter: shortening ambitions
- Eighth chapter: short length of life
- Ninth chapter: Disease, its philosophy and the value for being patient about it
- Tenth chapter: reward for endurance in diseases and reward for visiting the sick
- Eleventh chapter: repentance and its requirements
- Twelfth chapter: remembering death and taking advice from it
- Thirteenth chapter: striving in actions
- Fourteenth chapter: state of a believer at work
- Fifteenth chapter: advice and consult
- Sixteenth chapter: Apocalypse and the Resurrection
- Seventeenth chapter: punishment for adultery and usury
- Eighteenth chapter: wills of Lukman to his son
- Nineteenth chapter: Benefitting from reciting of the noble Qur'an
- Twentieth chapter: a fluent and beneficial speech on advice and consult
- Twenty first chapter: Dhikr (remembrance) and keeping it
- Twenty second chapter: value of prayer at night
- Twenty third chapter: crying out of God-wariness
- Twenty fourth chapter: value of Jihad on the way of God
- Twenty fifth chapter: praising reclusion and retreat
- Twenty sixth chapter: piety and God-wariness
- Twenty seventh chapter: value of silence
- Twenty eighth chapter: value of fearing from Almighty God
- Twenty ninth chapter: value of hopefulness in Almighty God
- Thirtieth chapter: Being ashamed of Almighty God
- Thirty first chapter: grief and its value
- Thirty second chapter: humbleness before God
- Thirty third chapter: ugliness and punishment for back-biting
- Thirty fourth chapter: contentment and its benefits
- Thirty fifth chapter: trust in God
- Thirty sixth chapter: on thanking God
- Thirty seventh chapter: on certainty and one's belief
- Thirty eighth chapter: on patience, perseverance and tolerance
- Thirty ninth chapter: caring of oneself
- Fortieth chapter: ugliness of envy
- Forty first chapter: discernment
- Forty second chapter: good manner and its reward
- Forty third chapter: value of generosity on the way of God
- Forty fourth chapter: on questions of Abu Dhar from the Prophet (s)
- Forty fifth chapter: value of loving and friendship of the friends of God
- Forty sixth chapter: words from Imam Ali (a) and other Imams (a)
- Forty seventh chapter: supplication, its blessings and fruits
- Forty eighth chapter: value of poverty and its good result
- Forty ninth chapter: observing politeness towards God
- Fiftieth chapter: Seeking God and knowing God
- Fifty first chapter: news from prophets (s) and Imams (a) from Warram collection
- Fifty second chapter: selection of hadiths from Warram's book
- Fifty third chapter: greatness of intellect and its fruits
- Fifty fourth chapter: the Prophet's (s) questions from God in the night of Mi'raj