wikishia:Featured Article/2014/34
Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan b. ʿAli b. al-Ḥasan, Abu Jaʿfar (محمد بن حسن بن علي بن حسن) (b. 385/995 in Tus, d. 460/1066 in Najaf), better known as al-Shaykh al- Ṭūsī, was one of the greatest Shi'a jurists and compilers of hadith. He has written many works in the fields of theology and tafsir. For his great contributions and tremendous influence, he received the honourable title of Shaykh al-Ta'ifah (the chief or head of the Shi'a).
He was the leader of of Shi'a fuqaha. He attained the station of ijtihad in both fiqh and usul al-fiqh. From the Four Books, al-Shaykh al-Tusi is the author of both Istibsar and Tahdhib. continue...